"We're going to be late for school!" She yelled to her 14 year old brother, who was snorting cocaine in his room.
"C-coming!" He said as took one last whiff and grabbed his bag to go to school. He made his way down their puke green stairs, she immediately noticed some residue of cocaine on his nose. "Are you using again?" She asked rubbing it off his nose, "you know I am." he responded pushing her hand aside. "You know what? Let's just go to school." She said walking outside, to the small, rundown car that she somehow manages to make work. "Fine." Sam, her brother, responded as he followed her. Sam and Lilly got in, as she put the key into the ignition she looked at him, "please don't start a fight." She begged as they pulled out of the drive way, "I'll try not to," he responded, "but if someone else starts it, I'm not going to just take it." They arrived at school and got out of the car, instinctively, she walked to her friends, as her brother followed. Well she was talking, no one paid attention to Sam, he was the looser little brother that Lilly got stuck with, and she was nice to let him stay around her. He started to scratch his arm, his high had started to fall. He pulled on her arm a tad, and she subtly nodded, signalling she knows he is going. He walked to the back of the High school, it always had a eerie smell, and somehow, even though it was facing west, it was always dark. Immediately, he was grabbed and thrown into the wall, "look at little Sammy." The first bully said as he punched Sam in the gut. Sam fell to the ground, wheezing and grasping for air as his back got kicked to the ground. "P-Please stop!" He begged as he was punched in the face by the second bully, "your pathetic!" The first one said as he choked sam, picking him up and raising him a foot of the ground. "Stop now!" Lilly said as she threw the second bully to the side. The first one dropped Sam and turned to Lilly, "what will you do?" He asked her. Fire started to come out of her palm as a blur circled around the bully! With a bombardment of hits from Sam, at high speeds, the bully feel to the ground. "Sam!" She yelled as Sam fell over, she ran over and picked him up, "what's going on?" One of her friends, walking over, asked as she saw Sam, "He needs food, NOW!!!" She said, rushing him to the cafeteria.