You woke up and kissed Justin."Mornin baby"He said.His eyes bulged as he pushed you away and ran in front of a..girl with a knife."ADDY GO AWAY!LEAVE US ALONE!"She smirked and ran at you and cut your throat with a knife she hid in her jacket pocket.Justin screamed as he shoved Addy downstairs."MISS (Y/L/N)!CALL AN AMBULANCE AND THE COPS!(Y/N) IS CUT AND HURT!"Justin fell to his knees next to you and cried."Im so sorry baby...This is my fault."You coughed up blood."Justin..What did that girl do to you?"Justin lifted up his shirt and showed a deep cut.You yelled and ran downstairs at Addy and tackled her.Justin picked you up and sat you down on the ambulance bed.He cried and held your hand."Justin..Who was that anyways?"Justin sighed,his voice quivering."Thats my ex.Addy.She was insane and wouldn't let me have freedom so I dumped her.She is out to hurt whoever I love"You sighed and cried as they took you away from Justin to surgery.He waited outside.He gasped when he saw you again.Nothing.No scratches."Top surgery..I need to do something.."He kissed your neck and left a hickey."Better"He said,Both of you laughing.
If you want more parts,message me!I'd be glad to make more!Peace <3💜