The Murderers(Mystery, sort of)

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-The Murderers-
There is one day, every year, that these..these murderers decide to come and pluck us from our families. They take almost all of us, sometimes they come earlier than the one day, we all try and hide, but they just keep coming. They come in these big creatures, they all spill out of them. I have been told stories by the elders, they say that these things, seem to be eaten by these strange creatures, the big creatures then stay in one place, as if waiting for something. They take the young ones, and leave the old and sickly ones. Sometimes they leave the youngest though, which I think is very strange. I think sometimes that they plan to eat us, sometimes they leave some. That is where I have heard most of the interesting stories. It seems that this year I am ready for picking, last year I was too young, but this year I seem to be just plump enough to be picked, I bet they were absolutely terrifying!

The day that they arrived, I had been sitting in the deep, prairie grove the my family and I all rested in. We had lived there for years, but the very day that they arrived, I was frozen in fear, they were just as the elders had explained them! Extremely ugly and discolored, with their faces all out of proportion, they had the most despicable eyes I'd ever seen, every single one stared at you with the most cruel, dark and despicable features ever. Their eyes, huge and sunk back into their skulls, the nose, huge and sticking straight out, the ears curved back and outwards. They were absolutely the most horrific things I had ever experienced. Every single one seemed to have an ugly firm coating, of what seemed to be fungus, growing from their head.

  My family tied to protect me, and placed me at the back of the group, but one of the littlest creatures saw me and came to take me, one of the adults, at least I think they were adults, arrived to drag me away from my family, and uttered something to the little creature in a language I couldn't understand. They took me from my father and mother, my brothers and sisters, I screamed and screamed for them to take me back to my family, but I was powerless against their superior strength.  I tried to run and squirm away from their grasp, but they were just too strong! They took me and put me into one of the big creatures I saw them arrive in, they stuffed me in the back with some others, that I recognized as distant cousins, aunts, uncles and other family. The creature, seemed to start rumbling and then shook violently as if waking from a deep sleep, then it set off down the road. I was still too much in shock to say anything, but I could tell that everyone else was panicking, we couldn't see each other in the darkness and for some reason we couldn't move around.

The next time that I saw day was when the adult things, started to pull us out of the big rumbling creature. They placed us on a table, then they went inside a big square box looking thing, and came out with a manically grinning facial expression, and then brought us over to a small rectangle on the floor, and placed us on top of it. Quickly the little creatures came over and sat all around us, there was at least four of them.

The adult creatures went back inside the big box, and came out holding things that were big and shiny, they came over and handed each big shiny, object to one of the little creatures, they came over and started cutting into us, we screamed and screamed, but they wouldn't listen. They never listen. By the time they were done carving, all of our guts had spilled out of the multiple gashes on my face and body, and I had started to black out. The last words I could hear before I died were in a language I couldn't understand, something like,
"Dang, Jerry, the farmers did really good, these pumpkins sure are plump this year."

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