Chapter 1

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Corey Brown was born on December 23, 2002 to his mother Starlette Brown. Corey was the seventh child born of her children there where eight of them, Corey Christopher,Demetri,Brenda,Ella,Miranda,Tisha,and Alexis. These siblings mostly did not share father's although Miranda and Brenda did. The rest of them  were being taken care of by there Mother and Grandmother, Verna Brown. Verna had a job but was having a few issues with her boss, which made her not enjoy it much. One day on about a Saturday noon of 2005 Ms. Starlette Brown was picked up from the house by bounty hunters. Everyone was in confusion on what was going on,including herself. Corey was the baby boy which meant he got a lot of attention which gave him a better bond with his mom so he was extremely sad to see his mother leave him. The reason she was picked up was because she had a warrant for drugs and prostitution, she had known about the warrants but only spoke of them to close relatives and was using there grandmother's house as a hideout. Well one day it came to fact that Verna, her own mother their  grandmother was the one behind the strange taking of there mother. From then Starlette was incarcerated, which left eight children to be taken care by Verna she had to step up and be that responsible figure for them. One day Verna had gotten tired of the responsibilities and had started searching for people who could better do it. In other terms Verna could no longer take care of eight children alone, so she started calling the Department of Human Services and other foster agencies that could provide foster parents who could better raise them . So one day she dropped the kids off at daycare and Corey Brown had an instructor named Breunca Bridges. She was extremely nice. She saw alot of potential in him. Keep in mind that Corey was not an angel he used to act out at daycare alot, but no matter what the circumstances were Breunca still found alot of potential in Corey. So one day Breunca decided to talk to Verna about how much she saw in him,which was near perfect because Verna was hoping for anyone who thought that they could assist  with the responsibilities. So after the conversation Breunca had thought things over and had decided that she would like to gain custody of Corey. So Verna told DHS and they where in total agreement with it and decided to make final arrangements to get him placed with Breunca. Corey and Verna met Breunca and her mother Delois at court to finalize their last decision to move him. So they did it, and Corey was taken away from his seven other siblings and his grandmother. Well to Verna she had one off the list but to Corey he was being thrown away. Was Verna selfish? So as for Corey and Breunca, and Breunca's mother they headed to his new  house, also keep in mind that Breunca was only eighteen years old at the time, and Corey was three, so Corey's actual legal guardian is Delois Coleman, Breunca's mother. So in reality Breunca was Corey's new mom and Delois was his new grandma, although since Breunca wasn't legally old enough to gain custody she begged her mom to do it, and stated that she would mostly take care of him. So as for Corey's siblings he never heard back from them in years, before only seeing three of them Demetri, Brenda, and, Miranda . He was extremely happy to see them. Prior to his visit he always seemed to have alot of respect for Breunca, so much that he would even ask to go to the restroom or permission to get out of the tub. Was he comfortable so far, was he scared?

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