I'm locket up

13 1 1

A 13 year old boy killed a man a women and there kids. he gets sent away for life see in his eyes how it went.  

chapter 1: Im a 13 year old boy and i have a ill mind. So it all started wene i got a hatchit for my B:day and i went out side and started tomahking a log. A car drove by and sprad my house with bullets it killed my mom  my dad and my brother. I sat in a inatusion for a short amount of time. i got out in a year and it was my 13th B:day and I found how killed my family so i studyed on the house . and i seen that they had kids so i toke them out the next day i tomahoct the boy in the head blood went every were the gril scermed and i held a pellow over her face and i toke the axe out of the kids haed the parints were next.

chapter 2: next day the parints called the cops and i had to do something quike so i striket i toke the cop out and toke his gun i shot all the bullets in the man. the women fell and i held her hostig the cops came the army i sat there for 13 days i made a tonal and i got out i killed the woman i went to florda and i came back a year latter and i ternd my salf in 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2013 ⏰

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