Part two

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Cho: Tick tock tick tock

Ginny: *looks back and forth between Harry and Ron* Sorry, Ron. I would have to kill you.....

Ron: What? Why in the bloody hell would you pick ME?!?

Ginny: Harry is the chosen one, who will kill the idiot that asked me the question. *glares at Voldemort*

Voldemort: What?!? It was a good dare, right guys? guys?

Everyone: .........

Voldemort: Boo who. Get over it, meanies!

Ginny: Ok, my turn?

Fred&George: Yes. 

Ginny: Ok, Cho, truth or dare?

Cho: ...... Truth?


Ginny: Why did you tell the proffesor from the ministry where our hidden room was?

Ron: ya. why?

Cho: I chicken out....

Me: Ok. I need to explian the rules better. Everyone has three chickens. And if you use up them all, you have to do whatever dares people ask you to do. No matter what. Ok continue.

Cho: Fine. But I was forced. They made me tell them, or else they would of killed everyone....


Hermione: ok.......

Cho: @JasmineDamon, truth or dare? 

Me: Dare!

Cho: Ok. I dare you to hug every guy in this room. 

Me: Ok! *Hugs Harry, Draco, Fred, George, Cedric, Ron*.

Voldemort: What about me?!?

Me: O yeah, OldyVoldy. *hugs him*

Cho: How? Was my dare that lame?!?

Fred&George: Pretty much.

Me: Yay! My turn! Harry, truth or dare?

Harry: Truth

Me: Who is the prettiest person  in the room ,and don't say Ginny.

Harry: *blushes* 

Voldemort: Spit it out, man!

Bellatrix: C'mon! We ain't got all day!

Me: But we do. *Devilish smile*

Harry: Can I say the ugliest?

Hermione: Nope. 

Harry: *deep breath* A cool actor, named Dan Radcliffe. He is hawt.

Me: *face palm* Is he in here right now?

Harry: Fine. Me! I am the prettiest! 

Cho: He out witted all of you!

Hermione: You do know that includes your self.

Cho: ......

Harry: MY turnnnn!!!! Fred  truth or dare?

Fred: Truth

Harry:  If George wasd a girl, would you make out with him?


George: :P

Fred: @lilypotterjd, truth or dare?

@lilypotterjd: Dare :)

Fred: ok, lean in-  I'll tell you the dare

@lilypotterjd: *leans in*

Fred: *wispers something*

@lilypotterjd: No way!

Fred: Do it!

@lilypotterjd:  *walks over and kisses Draco, then walks over and slaps Cedric* Happy?

Fred: Continue.......

@lilypotterjd: *hugs Voldemort* I I I love you, Voldy

Fred&George: *collapses on the floor of laughter*

Hermione: What was the dare?

Me: Spill it! Spill it!

Fred: I made her kiss the any slytherin, slap any hufflepuff or ravenclaw, and hug another slytherin. I was hoping she would kiss Oldy Voldy.

@lilypotterjd: Cedric, truth or dare?

Cedric: Dare!!!

@lilypotterjd: ok. I f dare you to kiss Ginny!


Ginny: ............

Cedric: *looks at Cho and shrugs* Ok, I'll do it. *kisses Ginny*

Cho: -__-   y didn't you chicken?!?

Cedric: Cedric the great never chickens out.

Author's note

I know that that was alot, but I was really getting into it. Oh and, @lilypotterjd, please reply to the truth or dare, and i'll add it in. You really have to answer it, but it's gonna b about Harry Potter, and it'll b easy. Anyone else that comments wilkl be added into the room, so if you don't want to join it, I recomend sending me athe dare through comments and tell me if you do or don't want to join. Ok, thanks, enjoy!!!

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