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(Los Angeles, nightfall, a being walks naked into a bar. People continue to murmur and stare at him.)

BAR MAN: what do you want mate?. You look messed up.(the being keeps looking round and round, smiling)..Are you lost?
AZAZEL: brother was right yea. Everything's changed in the past few decades..(turns to the bar man).. You mortals are really destroyers..and builders (he laughs. Everyone keeps staring at him)
MAN 1: hey freak show, why don't you piss off, yea?
AZAZEL: (turns to the man)..that's not a very nice thing to say to strangers, lad.(the man gets up with his crew and walks to Azazel)
MAN 1: I guess you're not from around here boy..piss off while you still have legs.
AZAZEL: well I'm guessing... "You" should "piss" off.(the man draws out his gun).
MAN 1: and why is that?
AZAZEL: your eight years old boy just had an accident, squashed underneath a real big moving metal box, yea.. And your wife, were is she? Ummm with Mathias right in his bed..
MAN 1: shut it freak show.(he places the gun on azazel's head)..You don't know shit!
AZAZEL: trust me lad, I have funny ways of knowing things. Now, I'd love to kill you but, I'll love you to see for yourself, then....I'll kill you, but your dogs, they'll have fun for now.(they all pause, staring at Azazel, hypnotized, carried away. Azazel walks out the bar with one of the crew Man's cloth, gets into a car and drives away. The men in the bar fights and kills themselves. The other man gets home hearing his son has been killed by a truck. He traces his wife to his friends place and sees them on the bed. He then turns around and walks out to street shocked, he gets a heart attack, falls to his knees. He looks across the street seeing Azazel smiling at him, he falls flat and dies)
(In the U.S Pentagon)

FALCON: so you're saying we gain control over them.
DOUGLAS: they should be government..
FALCON: what makes you think you can control these entities..
DOUGLAS: ah heroes or angels..he can walk right through our defenses without a single alarm, reap out the president from his chair and take over the world..(he looks around). Ain't he that powerful?..we can't let a being like that fly through our skies...
CAPTAIN: general Douglas there's actually been reports and sightings..not just him anymore, two more..
DOUGLAS: so what are you saying now..let these guys play god over us?. Blah blah blah yea he's been saving your kids, putting out the fire in the cities.. And all that shit. He's gonna turn on us..if we don't get him and his twinkle fairies under our wings. Mr president, they should be brought in.
MR PRESIDENT: though you have uhhhh..good points. But trying to bring the archangel in could yet again bring our nation under war. The guy protects us one forced him to..well I say let's let the sleeping dog lay in peace...(a soldier hurries into the meeting)
FALCON: what the...!!
SOLDIER 1: sir we got an aircraft heading right to us!
FALCON: well, take it down!(a screen comes on in the hall, they see the airplane approaching)
DOUGLAS: its passed through our radars, its not even in our radars!.
FALCON: (walks to the president).. C'mon, got to go. (Takes the president away with soldiers)
DOUGLAS: its close! Shoot the damn thing!..
SOLDIER:(on radio). Control! Control! Do you read me! Control! Come in!..shiiiiit sir! Control ain't responding!
DOUGLAS: are we gonna die or what!(hurries to the top of the building)

(Underneath the Pentagon)
SOLDIER: control didn't respond sir! Its gonna hit..
FALCON: shit!..hang on Mr President!.
SOLDIER: five seconds to impact!..

(The plane blindly flies towards the Pentagon, the sky cracks open, a burst of light flies underneath the plane and pushes it over the Pentagon.)

FALCON: what happened!?
SOLDIER: it just....diverted over us sir.
FALCON: he's here...

(Archangel pushes the plane far off into the sky)

DOUGLAS: (looking up) well ain't you some shit ass hero, yea..

(Nightfall, Douglas meets with some secret agents in construction site)

DOUGLAS: did you get it?
AGENT 1: wasn't that hard.(gives him a file containing everything about Sera)
DOUGLAS: her?..
AGENT 2: she was Fisk's lab rat for a while..she escaped. Now she flies free with the archangel.
DOUGLAS: so....(the agent opens a brief case and Douglas sees a sachet filled with salt) kidding me right?
AGENT: we are dealing with entities we can't possibly put in order..the salt's enchanted. It traps her kind. It did once.
DOUGLAS: hmmm.(takes the briefcase).. Right, back to base.

CLASH OF ANGELS: DOOMSDAYWhere stories live. Discover now