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(Candle lights burn out slowly, the rain showers softly. Cassiel holds his mother close as Kara, Pete, Cleo, Alexis, Sera and Anita stands by. They glance at how two soldiers wraps Mr Alexander's body in a white linen on a stone table.)

AZREENU: ..he lived and died a man of honour. Yes, he paid with his life..but he lives on, he lives in you Cassiel Alexander. Thy name shall never die.

(Cassiel walks forward with his mother by his side, he takes the fire torch from its stand. Tears drops from his eyes as he light the body in flames, the worst thing he could ever do. As the smoke ascends, they all see gold dust ascending along with the flames and smoke. Cassiel stares deeply as the gold dust ascends into the bloody red sky and fades away. He drops his head sadly.)

MRS ALEXANDER: I have something I and your father wanted you to have.. (He places his hand on his mother's face softly)
CASSIEL: I'll meet you inside. (He whispers)

(Kara holds Mrs Alexander close as they all walk away living Cassiel behind standing all by himself quiet.)

CASSIEL: this is the last pain he'll cause me.
MICHAEL: you still have your strength.. How is that?
CASSIEL: I just....did. I remember the rays of sunlight. .the flower in the wide waste of deserted landscape. There was something about it.(they look at themselves)
MICHAEL: There is always hope, you had believed. Even if you knew your powers were lost, you went straight through the fire to save're the only one that can end this.

(In Cassiel's chambers, Mrs Cassiel plays a video tape of she and her husband. On screen, they laugh, make jokes, saying how much they loved Cassiel and wanted to see him. They list out fun things to do when they finally reunite.
Cassiel smiles with tears gathering in his eyes as he watches, unable to look further, he looks away with a tear dropping down his chin. He gets up and walks to the window. Kara comes in)

MRS ALEXANDER: I'll leave you two.. (She sadly walks out the door. Cassiel turns to kara)
CASSIEL: we were suppose to play volleyball in the beach together, we were suppose to get ice cream in the cool of the day together.. (Hearing his saddened voice, kara is unable to hold back her tears)..we can't do those things anymore. It's all lost, Kara, they took him away from me. (She walks over to him and they embrace each other)
KARA: I'm so sorry...
CASSIEL: I thought I lost you.(looking at each other intimately)
KARA: no more Cassiel, no more.(they hold on to each other)

(Hours later, Michael takes off into the sky without telling anyone were he's heading to. Walking kara back to her Chambers through the hallway, Anita meets them.)

ANITA: oh Cassiel... (Sad face)
CASSIEL: it's's... Fine..(she walks with them)
ANITA: so what now?
CASSIEL: no words from Michael yet.
ANITA: No, dear. I want to show you something.. (Kara and Cassiel looks at each other).
ANITA: c'mon.. (She hurries forward into an empty chamber. They walk after her but suddenly doesn't see her in the chamber)
KARA: Anita?..
CASSIEL: hello?..(from the shadows Douglas's head rolls out. Kara covers her mouth scared and in shock. Cassiel boldly stands curious of what next could happen. Anita crawls down from the wall)
ANITA: Gosh I hhhhhhhhated him.
CASSIEL: Anita...
ANITA: powerless! Who's gonna save you now?(she leaps at Cassiel trying to knife him. He grabs her wrist and they both struggle to gain control of the knife. Cassiel manages to hit her wrist against the wall making her let the knife off her grasp. She pushes Cassiel off powerfully over a table bursting through a door into the basement. Going after Cassiel, Kara puts up a fight with Anita, pretty good, kara beats up Anita. Anita spreads out her wings almost taking off Kara's head with a swipe. Cassiel rushes out and leaps on Anita's back trying to pin her down to submission. Her powerful wings flings Cassiel to the ground. As she hurries to kill Kara, Cassiel gets up, charges from behind her and dives at her as they both burst out of the high presidential building. Falling, Cassiel beats her up not giving her a breathing space, he places her back towards the grounds far off and they both land on a military truck smashing it strongly. By the time guards and soldiers hurry to the scene, Anita flies off)

CLASH OF ANGELS: DOOMSDAYWhere stories live. Discover now