the party

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Peridots p.o.v

"shit!" As i woke up from my nap "the party!" I rushed to get nice-er clothes encluding combat boots, black jeans, and a green hoodie. "My clothes are ok i guess..." i start heading over and i didnt even look at the time, "really, how did i manage to do this?" I had gotten ready in a panic and we still had an hour till the party, i facepalmed and went to get some icecream. I walked in the store and orderd what i wanted, "chocolate chip two scoops please, and on a cone!" I sat down eating and this blue hair girl, her hair shining in the sunlight. I murmured " shes beautiful" she was in line so i was hoping that she would sit down next to me. When she passed i blushed, i hesitated at first but.. i asked her for her number. She was suprised and blused as she wrote it down. She left a little note on the page with her number saying "this might sound weird but i would really like to hang out and, maybe spend the night?" My face turned red with blush. I got my phone out and texted the girl to see if i got the right number, i did and i set her contact as "ocean queen" because her hair was blue shes in a blue dress, a starfish necklace and blue flats. Her apperance was adorable. I asked if she could come over tomorrow and i also asked if she could come to the party i was going to i said that they wouldent mind if you went with me. She agreed to go to the party and come to peridots house tomorrow. Peridot texted the blue hair girl " i really didnt think i could get a friend this fast, wow..." i glanced at her, i saw her smile. I went up to her saying "its time to go, ok?" She nodded her head and got up and she held my hand. I blushed as we walked to the car.

Lapis p.o.v

Omg,omg,omg,omg,omg!!! Im holding her hand my minds blank i know were just friends but... i think.... no that cant be true... but.. god i cant think... am i gay? I want to cuddle her.. oh god whats happend to me? I can only think of her and that i.. not saying it!! Oh my im in the car next to her im not meaning to but im staring at her.. my eyes cant leave her, actually.. i will say it.. i like her... i say " uh,  is it ok if i uh.. spend the night?" She looks at me for just a split second because shes driving and she says yes I'd love that as she smiles i dont think she knows i can see her blush. We got to the party in about 15 minutes? I dont care im here.  We head to the door while i say " i know i havent known you for that long but.. im sorry i uh... kinda like you.. like in a love way right? That kind.. i know its soon but i just needed to say that."

Peridots p.o.v

Omg, this cutie -not being a pervert or anything- just said she liked me!! I dont know what to say do i ask her out? I like her too thats why i wanted to get numbers. I blush intensly and i turn away "i like you too.. would you be my girlfriend?.. and i havent gotten your name yet what is it? Mines peridot." "Lapis, its lapis and yes i will be your girlfriend" i kiss her and jasper opens the door and sees us and lapis pushes me away and takes jasper to the street. She yells at her saying like that jasper shpuldent say anything. She hasnt told anyone so far as though i think. The part wbds and me and lapis walk over to the car and drive home. I kiss her before we get in the car. We get home and i push her on the bed saying " i love you" she says the same back and i hold her in my arms.

Lapis p.o.v

My mind is blank agian i feel the need to put my hand up her shits and push her down but i dont. I think its to early. We have been dating for a hour or so.. i watch peridot as she gets up " want anything to drink?" I reply if " ice tea if you have it." She goes the kitchen and makes me the tea she puts it in the fridge for awhile so it cools down when its cooling she asked " since the teas cooling anything you want to wait for the tea?" " may i have some water?" She gets me ice cold water it kinda hurts my teeth.

Peridots p.o.v

I push her down and i murmur ther words "i love you" she says it back and she giggles im over top of her staring at her im proped up so im not laying on her completely i kiss her neck and slowly put my hand on her chest and i inch my way up her dress  she blushes and laughs a bit i kiss her lips softly. She lets out a soft moan as i touched her chest.

Lapis p.o.v

Shit, i moand in front of her im ashamed of myself. It felt good tho my mind goes blank another time and all i think aboit is peridot on me. Out of all the girls.. me.. i feel really special.

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