It all started on Kik and in a group of anime fans/ roleplayers. There was a girl in the group who has been in the group for months now and knew everyone in the chat. One day one of the guys added someone by the username Brackishmidget and everyone...
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We still continued to role play, which made our feelings towards each other only grow stronger, and continue our role play relationship. I don't remember the exact words or actions that happened but I'll never forget what I did.
It was April 5, 2016 and I realized that he was probably too scared to ask me so I, did what most people considered desperate on the girl's end, told him that most of the time guys make the first move. He didn't do anything so I asked him if he wanted to be a couple in real life. This is what started the crazy adventure. We didn't know what we were getting ourselves into at the time, we just agreed without reading the terms and conditions. I don't want to embarrass him but I was his first girlfriend so he really didn't know what he was doing. People would tell us that it doesn't count as a relationship because we lived 24 hours apart and in two different states but we shrugged the comments off. Us being happy was the only thing that mattered to the other person. We were very happy and it was great in the beginning of the relationship. Role play continued in our relationship until it started to die out but that didn't matter because we were together in real life.
We would Skype in our free time and text all the time. Since it was summer we would stay up some nights and have really deep conversations. If I get in a relationship with someone I let them know about my dark past because I want to see if they can accept all of me. I'm depressed because of what happened in my past so the person I'm with has to be able to handle me when I start to get upset or be able to stay up with me when I randomly break down at night. Mike accepted me for me and handled me at my worst and good times. He stayed up with me countless nights just to know I was okay. He was there to comfort me when I was at my worse. All I needed was to hear his voice and see his smile or hear his laugh. He never failed to make me smile or laugh which always was my remedy. He was also my poison because he's the only thing that could kill me with one blow. He was truly my sanctuary and I loved him.