s1 a1 #bootycall

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Een nieuw school jaar! Ik loop Degrassi binnen en loop naar Tristan en geef hem zijn koffie. We lopen samen naar het kantoor van de leerlingenraad. Me: So why are we in studint council office? Tristan: Zoë Rivas my dearest of friends I decided to show my talents with the world. I'm running for studint council president and your gonna be my campaign manager. I'm gonna win and all of this will be mine. Me: So your persona for the new school year is power hungry maniac? Tristan: Okay maybe it's lame but I actually think I'd awesome. I'd make this a place where people don't feel like they have to hide there true selves. Miles komt binnen lopen en Tristan zegt: What the crap is Miles doing here? Simpson komt binnen lopen en zegt: Okay, welcome back everyone. So, if your here your running for stundint council president. Winston: Or your someones kick ass campaign manager. En hij steekt ziin hand uit naar mij en verwacht dat ik hem een high five ga geven maar dat doe ik niet. Simpson: Winston language. All right candidates please sign in. And we'll go over the campaign rules in a moment. Tristan draait zich om naar mij en zegt: I thought he was going to boarding school. Miles komt er aan lopen en ik zeg: In coming. Miles: So your my competition? Tristan pakt snel zijn mobiel en doet alsof die op een berichtje antwoord. Miles: Important text? Tristan: Oh Miles I didn't see you there. Miles: May the best man win. Tristan: Wouldn't want it any other way. Simpson: Okay all right you all must abide by the strict campaign spending rules. Goldi steekt haar hand op en Simpson zegt: Yes Goldi. Goldi: Would you like us to submit the budget as paper of pdf? Simpson: That's a good question as part of our... de rest hoor ik niet want ik draai me om naar Tristan. Me: Your okay running against your ex? Tristan: I'll let you know when my heart stops trying to beat out of my chest.

Ik loop naar Tristan die in de gang staat geef hem zijn posters en zeg: These posters are on ten. Tristan: What's the point? Miles is going to take the presidency from me and leave my a blubbering mess. Er komt iemand aan lopen en Tristan zegt: Vote for Tristan everyones gay best friend. Me: Tris it's been over a month since he broke up with you. Tristan: For a girl. Boys, girls, being school president. That Jerk always gets what he want. Me: Well, don't let him. He might get the mainstream kids, but you have a real massage. That everyone who feels like an outsider can relate to. Hunter en Yael komen er aan lopen. Tristan: Tender young things what are some issues concering you this year? Hunter: We don't have anywhere to game at lunch. Yael: Even though the Jocks have the backfield and the gym for their homoerotic grappling. Tristan: Well vote for me and I'll find you some space. Yael: Everyone's gay best friend? Me: See. Hunter: But, uhm no points on you slogan it's basically the same as my brothers. Winston: All right Let's bring it down. Tristan: He took my slogan too? Ik hoor opeens het geluidje van mijn telefoon en pak hem uit mijn broekzak. ik lees op: Your invited to the Hollingsworth campaign pool party. Ik zucht. Tristan: Is your pool-party prada back from the dry cleaners?

Ik ben aangekomen op het feestje met Tristan. We lopen naar Miles. Miles: Ah my worthy opponent. Tristan: Miles can I talk to you, privately? Miles: Yeah sure. Ik draai me om en bots tegen Grace op. Me: You haven't returned any of my texts so I thought you were dead. Grace: Nope still alive just busy. Me: So are we still friends? Grace: Don't be an idiot. Maya komt er aan lopen en pakt Grace beet en zegt: I need you. Grace: See you in class? Me: Yeah I guess.

*Next Morning*
Ik ben aangekomen op school en Tristan komt naar me toe gelopen en zegt: Hey! Sorry I missed our prepesession it took me forever to find the perfect debate outfit. Me: And that's what you settled on? Tristan: Miles told me I looked hot in this last year. Me: And since when do you care what he thinks? Tristan: Since we totally made out at the party. Zo, it was incredible. We connection this, like, deep, emotional level and all the feelings came flooding back. Me: Well find a life boat, because, you have a debate to prep for. Tristan: Maybe I'll trow it. Me: Because of one kiss? Tristan: Okay, well, no matter how bad I do I'm still gonna beat that boring Goldi girl. And if I come second I get to be Miles' vice president. I could be the Biden Obama. Me: They aren't dating you realize? Tristan: And Miles would be a good president. He's doing it for the little guy, to make sure people feel included. Me: That's why your doing it remember? Miles is still Miles. Sneaky underhanded indecisive Miles. He's made out with everyone even me. Tristan: I really feel like he's changed. Miles: Yeah so don't hesitate to text with any questions about um my platform. girl: mmm-hmm.

Ik ga met Tristan in de meiden wc zitten op de grond. Wachtend op de uitslag van de leerlingenraad verkiezing. Simpson klinkt door de luidsprekers: Attention students. I have election results. Drumroll please. Tristan en ik pakken elkaars hand vast. Your student council president is.... Miles Hollingsworth. In second place and your vice president, Tristan Milligan. Tristan: Why do I always let my heart get in the way of my happiness? Me: It'll get better, Tris. Hey at least your vice president. Goldi komt de wc in lopen en zegt: Um this is the girls washroom. Tristan: So I have to spend the whole year by his side? What a nightmare. Goldi: Excuse me, What are you complaining about? I'm the only one who run an actual campaign and I lost. Between you running the debate with your rover shores, and Miles' out ra geous  party which totally violated the spending limits. This whole election is a mockery! Goldi stapt boos een wc hokje in. Tristan: She's right. Tristan gaat naar Simpson en verteld dat Miles te veel geld heeft uitgegeven en Tristan word zelf president.

Degrassi next classWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu