Ik zit met Grace in de les te praten. Me: What are you talking about? Scandal should totally be your favorite show. Grace: The computer stuff is completely unbelievable. Me: But there is so much torture you love torture. Teacher: What will your life be like in 15 years. That's what I want you to show me, In this assignment. In groups of two. Your going to use the animation skills you've been learning to create a short video about what you think your future looks like. Pair up. Me: Wonder who Maya and Zig are working with. Grace: I think they have seizures if they're more than 5 feet from each other. Me: So uh do you maybe wanna be my partner for this? Grace: Of course dummy! I'll go grap a hand out. Tristan: So how is that whole just being friends thing working out for you? Me: Fine, why? Tristan: "Oh Grace please be my partner I simply can't live without you." Give it up you love her! Me: A little louder please I don't think the people in the back heard. Tristan: Live is better out of the closet, Zo. Me: I don't even know if I'm gay. Tristan: Right. Me: Besides friendship is basically dating without-- Tristan: The good parts? You need to make your feelings known. Me: And if she's not into girls, then Sayanora. Tristan: Look at her that hair, those piercings. There's no way she's doing that to attract boys. Me: Shut up, please. Grace: Okay... I'll watch Scandel if you watch battlestar. Deal? Me: Deal.
Ik zit met Grace een salade te eten. Me: What color do you think you hair will be in 15 years? Grace: No clue. Me: What about those piercings? Do you think they'll be all stretched out and weird looking? Ik pak haar wang en wiebel er een beetje mee. Ze slaat mijn hand zachtjes weg. En houd hem vast voor een best wel lange tijd. We kijken elkaar aan. En glimlachen. Grace laat mijn hand los en begint te hoesten. Me: You okay? En ze loopt weg. Zig: Whoa, what did you do? Me: I just made a domb joke about her piercings. Maya: Uh oh. Me: What, uh oh? Maya: Well, you just don't want to get on Grace's bad side. Zig: What are you talking about? She's just a weirdo. Maya: I spilled soda near her laptop once and she didn't talk to me like, three weeks. Zig: Nah, Grace is always going AWOL for no reason. Justt chill. Okay that's not chilling. Me: I'm just texting her maybe it wasn't about what I said.
Ik ga Grace opzoeken bij haar thuis en bel Tristan om te vragen waar ze woont. Me: I think I'm here. Tristan: And for the record, This is a bad idea. Me: I have to explain the touch wasn't a big deal before she blows it out of proportion. Tristan: Yeah, showing up at her house unannounced will totally send that messsage. Me: Thanks for the peptalk. Text you later. Ik loop naar haar huis en bel aan. Graces mom: Hey, can I help you? Me: I'm Zoë. A friend of Graces. Graces mom: Oh uh, Grace isn't home. Me: Do you know when she'll be back? Graces mom: Sorry. Ze sluit de deur en ik loop weer terug langs het huis van Grace. En ik zie haar achter het gordijn naar me kijken en ze probeert heel snel het gordijn dicht te doen maar het is te laat ik heb haar al gezien. Ik zucht.
Ik sta op de wc en Grace komt binnen lopen. Grace: Hi. Me: Oh, so now you want to talk to me? Grace: I finished the back grounds for our project. Me: I'm sure you had lots of free time at home last night. Are you seriously just gonna stand there and pretend like nothing happend. Grace hoest. Grace: You don't know the whole story. Me: Whats the whole story? That your such an emotional damaged psycho, you can't even handle one little touch? Grace hoest weer een paar keer maar deze keer erger. Ze gaat boven de wasbak staan en hoest bloed. Ik ga bij haar staan. Me: Oh my god is that blood? I'm calling 911. Grace: You don't have to call an ambulance. Can you just take me home? Ik pak Grace vast en samen lopen we heel dicht op elkaar de wc uit.
Grace en ik zijn bij haar thuis aangekomen en Grace is door haar moeder op bed gelegd en haar moeder ligt bij haar. Af en toe hoest ze nog. En nu blaast ze door een apparaatje Graces mom: Deep breaths sweetheart the nurse will be here soon. Me: What's going on. Graces mom: It might be an infection or something, but it might just be because she's been a little lax with her therapy. Me: Her therapy? Graces mom: Oh you don't know. Grace has Cystic Fibrosis. Me: Cystic Firbrosis but not the one that kills you right? Grace: There is only one kind. Graces mom: But there have been lots of advances with there research. Me: But when she's old right? Not like soon or now or anything? Graces mom: We're keeping an eye on it. And we've got a great team to make sure that Grace stays healthy. Lots of people with CF live well into their 30s. And with more and more therapies and medicines being developed there's no reason to believe that she won't make it to her 50s.
Ik sta op het dak van de school waar ik met Grace heb afgesproken. Daar komt ze aan lopen. Me: So you got my text? I Thought we should talk. Grace: On the roof of the school? Me: I thought you'd want some privacy. Grace: About yesterday. Me: No need to explain. I was up all night, researching. If you want to talk about anything I"m here. Ik geef hara de smoothie die ik voor haar heb gemaakt. Grace: What's this? Me: Green smoothie. With ginseng, clove and cinamon, all of which are super anti-bacterial to help to fight these lung infections. Grace: This won't do anything. Me: Have you heard about that crazy new drug? People with CF who take it are living into their 70s. Grace: Its for a different genetic mutation it won't work for me. Me: well there are lots of alternative therapies I mean I personally think that hot yoga is disgusting but-- Grace: Stop it! You say you wanna talk. Me: I do. Grace: But not about how I'm going to die before 35. About how there is no point in anything because I've got one foot in the grave! Me: With what you up against, it probably feels like everything is pointless. Grace: Your finally getting it. Ik loop naar de rand van het dak. Me: So jump. Grace: What? Me: You've already decided that your life is over. You could have 20 more years, but you've already givin up. Your basically dead, so you might as well just kill yourself. Grace: You know I think your right. Me: I am? Grace: You've given me a new lease on life. I think I'll got to med school and dedicate my life to curing CF. Me: I was just trying to prove that you've got stuff to live for. Grace: Shut up! My whole life has been people telling me to stay positive! Everyone wants to talk about insane miracle cures but no one wants to talk about how I'm going to die. Me: Because maybe you won't! Grace: Because people can't handle it! In middle school I was hospitalized for a month. In the beginning people came to see me. But at the end? Nothing. Me: That's awful. Grace: This is why I don't do relationships. Hard to commit when your one lung infection away from the end. I've just accepted that there won't be anyone at my funeral. Me: don't say that! Grace: Why not? It's the truth. People can't deal. I guess I thought you were different. Grace loopt weg en ik begin te huilen.
Ik kom het lokaal binnen en ga zitten. Zig en Maya doen een presentatie die niet zo heel interessant is. Teacher: Okay next up... Zoë and Grace. Ik kijk geschokt op. Grace: So we're taking an F on this? Me: Not quite. Ik sta op Me: The future is uncertain. Who knows where we'll be in 15 years? Statistically, one person in this room will be in prison. Grace: My money is on Zig. Me: And two will be dead. Given her bad-ass lifestyle , I assume Grace will be one of these people. Here is me wearing vintage valentino at her funeral. Tristan: Morbid much? Teacher: All right um thank you Zoë. Uh while Carter's setting up for this presentation I'd like to go over the evaluation... Grace: You don't suck as much as most people. Me: Thanks I think.
Degrassi next class
Teen FictionHoi ik ben Zoë Rivas en ik zit op Degrassi. In dit verhaal kunnen jullie lezen wat ik mee maak op Degrassi. In dit verhaal gebeurt hetzelfde als wat er in Degrassi Next Class gebeurt alleen lees je in dit verhaal alleen maar de stukjes van Zoë omdat...