Ch:4 Jump scare

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As David was washing off all the blood off his body he thought to himself "Why do so many people want to see me naked?"

Outside of the shower room the crowed has left to get to there classes exept for Ruby, Blake, Weiss, and Yang.

Yang: "I came here to see what he looks like and that's what I'm going to do."

Yang: "Now who is with me?"

Weiss: "I'm in because I am cuaght up with everything in all my classes."

Ruby: "If that means no class I'm in."

Blake: "I have nothing better to do."

Ruby: "How are we going to see what he looks like?"

Yang: "We will see him by getting in the roof and making a hole above where he is."

Yang "Now lets go!"

After a couple of minutes all the blood from David's body has washed off. When David went to go get a towel to dry himself off he heard something crawling in the celling. After he dryed himself off and put on his new clothes he heard four girls talking in the roof.

Weiss: We are lost because of you yang.

Blake: "Why didn't we bring a flashlight?"

Ruby: "Something is touching me!"

Yang: "That is me ruby."

As David was listening to them talk the roof he decided to go up in the roof too. So he got up on a bench and punched a big hole in the roof and climbed up.

Yang: "Wait guys did you hear that."

Weiss: "Hear what?"

Blake: "I hear nothing."

Yang: "Yeah that is the point."

Ruby: "Dose that mean that he left."

David: "Are you guys talking about me?"

When they heard David talk they  got so scared they fell and broke the celling into the floor.

David jumped down form the celling and checked of they were ok.They were ok but they passed out, so he carried all of them to the infirmary.

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