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context: I wrote this when I had the worst migraine to date. I don't know what I was thinking but I should've gone for a lie down. I felt worse after typing this shit out.

wrap me up in your wolfish fantasies

and spit me out in gold and red

through one eye I see

your face and the darkness

as it gathers behind me

like the billowing of silk scarves in the wind

silk scarves and cold throats

kiss'd by mouths of sultry women or older men

at the thought, there is a taste in my mouth

much like lack of air

air should be clean yet it is suffocating

I see greens and blues in the eye that is blind

this migraine hurts my stomach

but I feel nowhere else

I am desensitised

something in me feels sleepy, but I cannot (sleep)

I must sleep

one eye watches the colours spring to life

it curls and coils and is just out of reach

my eye cannot keep up

much like footsteps behind yours

it is a constant game, entertaining at first

but then I feel the weight of it all

like sleepy eyelids closing, though you will them to stay open

to guide yourself through the white night

the red burns holes in my head but I don't feel a thing

my hair is knotted against my pillow

all matted and unmanageable 

I can't bear for you to see me in a state

so I hide, as always

behind the one eye

drawing the other closed


honestly i have no fucking clue what i was writing about here

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