Me and u

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I was sleep and I felt like someone was watching so I woke up and who else is it roc my bestfriend

Y/n: WTF

Roc: lol clam down its me

Y/n: how did u get in here?

Roc: u have to ask lol

Me and roc have been bestfriends since we was babies and we do everything together we r like brother and sister. We know everything about each other

Y/n: rocky why are you here? * still in the bed*

Roc: *jumps on the bed* I can't come see u

Y/n:lol u saw me yesterday

Roc: well I was bored at my house and it's Saturday so..... Yea

Y/n: we'll I am going back to sleep *pulls the covers over my head*

Roc: SIS * jumps on the bed*

Y/n: ok I am up lol

Roc: good now go cook me something please

Y/n: boy bye yo legs work* push you*

Roc: * fall off the bed*

Y/n: lmao

Roc: * gets up and tackles me* lol

Y/n: * fights back* ( in a play full way) lol get off of me

Roc: *laughs* say sorry *pined u down*

Y/n: lol no *look at roc*

Roc: look into your eyes* say it

Y/n: no * turns both of yall over and u r on top* lol

Roc: heyyyy i like this *winks*

Y/n: u r a freak lol *get off of him*lol

Roc: i know what r we doing today

Y/n : idk want to go to the mall ?

Roc: hell yeah i need some shoes

Y/n: lol ok but lets go later tho i am really sleep

Roc: y we wasn't up that long last night

Y/n: ik but.........forget it

Roc: * look at u * naw tell me

Y/n: well i was talking to u and Princeton

Roc: oh u like him

Y/n: no *smiling*

Roc: yea right

Y/n: i don't* push u in a playful way*

Roc: aye aye aye stop that before we fight lol

Y/n: like u going to do something lol


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