John's favorite color

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Maya's POV

I unlocked the door and walked into a dark house.

Huh, is it really that late?

I quietly walk over to the clock on the stove in my kitchen.


I wonder why no ones awake...

Since it really isn't that late, I decided to watch some T.V.

"Hiya sis"

I jumped up off of the coach, probably a few feet into the air, and put my hand on my chest.

"Gosh Cameron, don't scare me like that again! You almost have me a heart attack!!"' I said with all seriousness. Clearly, he wasn't

Cameron was bent over laughing until tears came out of his eyes. Wow. Totally not embarrassed out of my mind. Once he started to calm down a little bit, I decided to try and talk to him, without him bent over laughing.

"So, why are you home? Shouldn't you be out with one of your buddies?" I say.

"Nah, there all out drinking, not really my type of crowd."

In case you haven't guessed by now,  Cameron is my idiotic 18 year old brother, who couldn't be mature if his life depended on it. Cameron and I grew up together, and we were closer then you could ever imagine. Unit things started to go wrong. My parents got divorced, and my mom got remarried to a guy named John, who I know nothing about. I couldn't even tell you the guy's favorite color. Cameron and I just got too caught up in the moment and it was really tough for up. I never see my real dad anymore, other then big family events. Cameron and I are upset that we never get to see him. He was a great dad,  other then this John guy who I couldn't even have a normal conversation with. I wish I would've had a better relation ship with my dad before they got divorced. I wish I knew what was coming.

"So, how are they?"

"Are who?"

"All your friends?"

There is a moment of silence until he seems to snap out of his zone. "Oh, there good.. I guess."

I roll my eyes. He just can't pay attention sometimes.

"So, where have you been tonight?" He says raising an eyebrow.

"Jake took me out for ice cream by the park."

"Oh, sounds fun," he says. And gives me this look.

"What?" I say.

"I just wish you two would date already."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2016 ⏰

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