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his blazer is soaked with rain, heavy above our heads as we run to his car. what a terrible idea, to use a heavy item as a makeshift umbrella and feeling it go heavier due to the rain.

he opens the door for me, and waits for me to get in before discarding his blazer into the backseat and running towards the driver's seat. this time it was real. i wasn't catching myself imagining what it would be like to sit in his passenger seat; because i am here now, sheltered from the pouring rain in his heated car.

"so you really got yourself a sportscar, huh?" i smirk as i watch the raindrops race each other down the dark tinted window. jungkook had always had an interest in sports cars, telling me constantly when he was young that he'd one day be driving in one. well, it seems that he'd accomplished more in his life than i have in mine.

jungkook turns on the engine, and the car immediately lights up lively. "uh .. where are we going jungkook?" he switches on the heater and then watches me with the lights illuminating the sides of his face attractively. how many girls have sat in my position and looked at him just like this?

"i will .. take you home." he says, almost like he had just figured that out in his mind. "you should rest up, in case you get sick too." i rarely ever got sick, even if i danced in the rain for an hour. jungkook knows that, or well, used to. i guess. the person in front of me is just another stranger.

"wait. just," i shake my head as he turns his gaze to the steering wheel. "first of all, what about jiyoung?"

"she can leave with your boyfriend." he says simply with a shrug of his shoulders. jungkook pushes his foot down on the accelerator before i could argue that he wasn't my boyfriend, and i would never be seeing him again.

"jungkook! no!" the car stops abruptly and jungkook looks at me with a surprised yet quite annoyed expression. "let me .. drive."

"what?" his face softens and i smile shyly.

"i... um.. you crashed your dad's new car when you were seventeen, jungkook. i don't think i can trust being in a vehicle driven by you .." you suck at driving, i wanted to say for short. i remember that summer, where jungkook had just got his license and was reckless with it.

"chaeyoung, that was eight years ago." he reassures me, pressing his foot down and smoothly leaving the parking space. "i promise you, i am a really good driver now, okay?" jungkook smiles back and continues to drive down the wet road. jungkook and the word promise sounds so natural to me. 

"uh .." i stutter, watching the road so cautiously. could i really trust jungkook anymore? i mean, after all we are only just strangers. "don't get me killed, promise?"

"i promise." jungkook moves one hand away from the wheel and searches for mine, but i tentatively scoot closer to the window. "don't worry chaeyoung, i always keep my promises."

no, you don't.

"so i was wondering .." i fiddle with the hem of my dress, just wanting to go home and dispose of it somewhere at the back of my closet so i wouldn't have to be reminded of the terrible memories of it anymore. "how many girls have you loved? youre always with a different girl, right? how many girlfriends have you had? i mean—"

"one. i've only ever loved one girl. the rest of these girls are just my toys." jungkook smirks, averting his gaze to me when he stops the car at a red light. "i chew up pretty girls and spit them out."

my breath hitches in my throat, but lucky he looks away before he can grasp the sight of my body shaking lightly and shocked expression. this .. definitely .. is not the jungkook i know. "pardon?"

"i like hurting girls. mentally, not physically. use them for pleasure, treat them like princesses until they're truly, deeply and madly in love with me, and then just leave." jungkook says shortly, parking into an empty space in front of my apartment.

"oh." is all that i can muster out. he opens the car door, but before he closes it, i speak again with a soft voice that was laced with invisible tears. i couldn't believe that this is who he is now. "what are you doing?"

"walking you up. it's late." jungkook closes the car door before i can answer and rushes to my side, however i open the door for myself and hear him whisper a curse under his breath.

"so, what about you and your boyfriend? how did you two meet and how long have you been together for?" jungkook says as he locks his car with a press on his key.

"oh, jaesung? we're not dating or anything. he's just a terrible tinder date." i shake my head and laugh, although feeling offended inside that jungkook would believe that i would be with someone like him, who complimented my neck in such a weird way and was littered in tattoos; something young jungkook would have known i hated.

"ah, interesting. you in love?" jungkook opens the door to the lobby and waits for me to walk in first.

"what a delusion." i laugh as i put my hand over my chest. "i have only ever truly loved one person in my life, but he .. doesn't really exist anymore." im breaking inside as i plaster this smile on my face.

"oh, i'm sorry to hear that. did he pass away? i hope he rests in peace." jungkook says heartfelt as i press on the elevator button.

"yeah, me too." i say, barely in a whisper.

"well, what was his name?"

single by twenty five x jeon jungkookWhere stories live. Discover now