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Amy pictured herself running. The desire was truly too great, but she knew what was holding her back. This man....Amy thought, that I do not know of might be my only chance at leaving this place, or forest I guess... Amy relaxed at the shadow's presence but stiffened up again when the sharp object, or knife at this point was pressed harder against her neck, sending a trickle of blood down her neck into her chest.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               "Again, I asked a question. Are you hard of hearing?" The shadow said. "N-No, I just choose to ignore you."Amy replied. Amy was a little scared to be back talking the man with a knife pressed to her neck, but she felt like she had to have one win in the sea of  loss.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       The man sighed. "Fine, I guess you do not want to get out of the forest. They are searching you know. And I am really tired of them yelling for your name though I could not make it out." "Anyway, my second question. How did you get here? And why? I already know why they are searching for you, but I need to hear the story from the missing lady herself."  The shadow came out into the light and Amy could not help herself from gasping at his sight. He was male, for sure, and he had the most peculiar eyes, the color was mixed with a inner green and an outer grey-ish blue. He had mocha brown hair, and as almost as tall as one of the trees.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     He looked at Amy with the most amusing look she had ever seen before. Amy internally shrunk, her body wanting to just become one with the dirt. "My question?" He said. "I need your name first, In order to tell you information." Amy was sure of a harsh reply or him just killing her right there but instead,  The man said "Silas. My name is Silas. Now that we got that aside, My--" Amy could not hear due to the muffled sounds and a thumping before everything went pitch black.                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Amy woke up to the sound of a chuckling and hands on her stomach, under her dirt stained shirt. She woke up and with full force, she balled her hand up into a fist and connected it with the nearest thing or figure that, thankfully was a face. When she heard a "Damn!" And a soft thump  on the floor, Amy felt truly  satisfied before she was once again enveloped in the calming darkness.

She woke up again, and looked at her surroundings. Silas was not there, and she sighed a sigh of relief. Amy got up wasting no time and looked down. The height was not so bad, so she looked around and jumped. The impact was hard and she twisted her ankle from the fall. "Crap!" She hissed. "Hey, does that sound like something? A different voice spoke. "No, she should still be asleep." Silas replied. Amy took that as a chance to run. She speed up and tried to take off, but the pain from her ankle traveled up to her head and gave her those massive headaches from spinning or pain in general.  She was disoriented and ended up leading herself almost to Silas and his friend. Amy came to her senses and thought she sneaked away just in time to get grabbed by Silas and his friend looking at me with an 'I told you so face.'  " Why so eager to leave?" Silas asked with a hint of anger in his voice. Amy took it as a chance and replied sharply, "To get away from you."

The updates might get longer with school and play practice, But I will make it up to you! Love chapter or no? I would love to hear from you guys! Anyway, see ya soon!


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