03 → "THE PAST"

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03 → "THE PAST"

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03 → "THE PAST"

November, 2141.

THE MOMENT GENEVIEVE had stepped foot into the building she'd been escorted to, they'd taken her into a room and started tests on her. She went through a couple of blood tests, before they prodded and probed her. They gave Genevieve a new set of clothes; a white t-shirt and matching pants and shoes. She was given time to shower and clean her hair in a small dorm ensuite, before given instructions to wait until a guard came by and escorted her to a small room. The guard guided her through numerous hallways until they'd arrived at the room. The guard unlocked the door, before shoving her inside. The room held a table and two chairs.

"Sit." the guard motioned. Genevieve obliged the guards order, settling down onto the chair. The guard settled down before her, immediately jumping into what he was here to discuss with her. "Genevieve. I'm sure you understand why you're here, correct?"

Genevieve nodded. "Yes."

"Can you explain your importance?" The guard quizzed.

"Because I'm immune." she answered the guards question. "And because I'm immune, I'm important."

"Correct." the guard nodded. "Now, as you're aware, our world is hanging by a very thin thread. Outside this facility, the world is crawling with infected people — Cranks — and we're trying to find a way to restore humanity, as I'm sure you were told. Which brings me to what I'm about to say next; because you're immune and very bright, we need your help with what we have planned. And very soon you're going to meet two groups who have agreed to help us."

"Is that all?" Genevieve questioned.

"One last thing." the guard replied. "By agreeing to help us, you're going to need to push your past behind; your old life, your family, and your name."

"Wait." she spoke up. "You want me to forget everything about myself? Everything that makes me, me? My family, my past, and the name my parents gave me?"

"Look." the man said. "I know this is surprising, less than ideal, but we need you to do as we ask. Trust me, if you were to disagree, we'd have to force you to do it, and I'm sure you don't want that. Genevieve, all we ask is to leave your past behind and change your name. We're gonna use a block on your memory for your name, so it's easier for you. Trust me, this is for the best."

Trust me, this is for the best.

Genevieve thought it over. Changing her name didn't seem like the worst thing they wanted her to do; forgetting her name and pushing her past and family away was. Then Genevieve thought back to what the guard said about force if she were to disagree, and realised that if she were to cooperate, it would make things a lot more easier for both her and the guard. Genevieve nodded.

"Okay." she agreed. "I'll do it."

December, 2141.

Adeline. They changed her name to Adeline. Named after Adeline Pond Adams. An American author — that's what they told her. For the next month, she went through numerous tests per week, attended classes — such as maths and science, before being escorted back to a seperate dorm room. Adeline had been put into a seperate dorm for the first month, being told that they weren't ready to put her in a dorm with the others yet. Adeline didn't believe that, but also didn't bother to question it. Adeline woke up that morning at the sound of her alarm at 7:00 am. Following her normal routine of showering, dressing, eating her breakfast, before waiting for the guard to escort her to classes. By the time the usual knock on her door sounded, Adeline opened the door to her dorm to find a different man in the same guard uniform, standing before her. The man had short red hair, and didn't look too pleased to be standing at her door.

"My names David." he introduced himself. "I've been sent to escort you today. Your original guard has ... left for the time being."

"What happened to him?" She quizzed David.

"Nothing that should be much of a worry." David said. "Now, c'mon otherwise you'll be late. Can't keep him waiting."

"What?" She questioned, raising her eyebrow. "Can't keep who waiting?"

"There's been a change of plans." David said as Adeline stepped out into the hallway. "You've been required to meet someone, and you two better get along, you'll be seeing a lot of one another."

David had stopped out the front of a door, before swiping a key card. The door unlocked, and David pushed it open, ushering her inside.

"You have ten minutes to talk." David said. Adeline sauntered inside, where she found a boy around the age of 9, seated at a small wooden table. There were two chairs on each side of the table, and the boy was seated on the seat on the left side of the table. As soon as Adeline had made it to the front of the table, the door shut closed and locked.

"Hi." the boy spoke first.

"Uh, hi." Adeline settled down into the chair.

"Names Matt." he offered her his hand.

"Adeline." she shook his hand, introducing herself with her new name. "Do you know why we're here?"

Matt shook his head. "All I know is that they want us to talk and get to know each other, but I don't know why they want us to get to know each other."

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