Chapter 3

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Ava's P. O. V

I walk up to class anyway, crying, ashamed, and irritated. Should i change who i am? Or does it even matter i'm hated either way. And i don't even know why! On my way i see Niall. Great. Should i walk back. Should i sprint to class before he could catch me. Should i cover up my face so he wouldn't know it's me? Too late. He sees me. I don't know whats gonna happen next. He walks up to me. I freeze, thinking of what i could say. "Niall, I'm sorry what Jamie said are lies don't believe it please forget it Niall i'm..." "Shhh calm down". i stare, with tears in my eyes. "Let's walk?" He asks with kindness. I stare, speechless. "Forget about class for today" he says. "Lets go. Out" he finishes. I stare, stunned, unbelievably. We walk to the other end of the school to the gate. I can't believe we're ditching school. But i don't care because it's for something i've been waiting for since forever.


Niall's P. O. V.

She's so cute. And sweet. And lovely. She's still everything i remember from 9th grade. I need to ask her why she changed so much but when. It would be awkward and it would even more awkward if she decides not to tell me. "Sooooooo do you wanna get starbucks? It's right next to the school we can be back on time for next class" i ask hoping she'd say yes and so she did. "Sure". Once we're out of school i put my arm around her shoulder. Starbucks is about a 8 min walk. She knows that too. "Hey why did you come back for me" she half asks. "Because now i really love you" i smile. Starbucks came right in front of us. She ordered too Fapuchinos and it was half empty so we found a table for 2 (not to sound too romantic but yes) "hey just asking but were you really happy when you were with high school?...i mean i was just wondering" i say..a teeny bit regretting it. "No we were cool. Actually it was amazing with Harry but..." She says. "Yeah that's what it seemed like..." I trailed off. "Why are you asking me this" "oh nothing ..just.." "It's ok" she says. "I'm sorry about Jamie that was really mean" "yeah but i'm used to it" "what she did this to you before!?" "...umm yes. But don't worry please ignore her" "what the hell" "it's fine" its not fine. Seriously what's her problem..Jamie. I try to ignore it but i can't.


Ava's P. O. V.

Why does he look so uncomfortable i said it's fine. "Niall" "sorry..just" "dude Jamie is crazy forget her" "wow she still can't get over it sorry yes she is crazy not just crazy..." "Niall!.. Get over what?" I ask. "Nothing..." "i know you are hiding something...Niall" i say. "Umm...well...the reason she hates you that much is..." "Is?" I ask eagerly. "Umm..." "Say it Niall" "fine. She got jealous that you were with Harry..............".


Niall's P. O. V.

Her face sinks. Why did i have to tell her now. "Oh" she says. "Sorry I'm really" "no it's ok. But do you know why?" i ask. "I don't want to tell you more right now" "no just get it over with" "she wanted to ask him out but he asked you instead" "oh my god" she says. I don't reply. Silence... "I don't care now it's over." She finally says. "Yeah..." "Niall do you love me?" "Definitely Ava! Do you?" "Yes...." "Do you want to forget about the my girlfriend..?" I ask her..finally...letting it out. "Niall......!Definitely!" She laughs, "definitely".


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