Chapter 1

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Disclaimer: i do not own the game nor the image i use for this.

That day, pretty much like others, was one of the days where Dylas would take Frey out on a date. The lake seemed appropriate, seeing that the weather was scorching hot, and playing with water would be one of the most romantic things a couple would do in summer, not that Dylas tries to be romantic. That would be ridiculous.

Well... Scratch playing, 'attacking Dylas with water beams' seemed to fit what they're doing better.

"You certainly didn't go easy on me, did you?" Dylas frowned, clothes dripping wet on the tree branch they hung them on.

"But Dylas," Frey responded in a sing song tone, an innocent smile plastered on her face. "I did go easy on you."

Dylas sighed. That angelic smile of hers will never fail cease his anger. Repeat, NEVER.

"Im all yours," he said, hands up, sighing. "Mess with me all you want."

Frey smirked, "Are you sure?"

Dylas gulped. The green head was smirking. Frey was up to something, and it's definitely going to take a toll on his self esteem, but the mischievous smile on her face was so sweet, that he just couldn't beat to say a straight 'no' to her face. Oh, and did this narrator mention that his cheeks were gradually turning red?

"Close your eyes and squat down a little." Frey smiled sweetly at Dylas, tilting her head a bit, making the horse-eared man lose all rational thinking, try as hard as he might, he can't win against this girl.

Dylas, with his now red as tomatoes cheeks, sighed. Was he really this helpless against this girl?

Yes, yes he was.

Dylas closed his eyes and squatted down.

A few seconds passed, but he felt nothing. The man was going to open his eyes when he felt Frey behind his back. Blood rushed up to his face once again as he stammered.


Then he felt Frey's hand touching one of his ears, the ears of a horse.

He squirmed as Frey laughed, still petting his ears, grasping both while still clinging onto the hybrid's back.

"What do you think you're doing?" Dylas raised his voice at Frey, who just laughed it off again.

Even if he doesn't want to be petted straight on the head, he still had to admit that he likes the feeling.

It gave him such a calm and comfortable feel, and he actually liked it. A lot. Not that he would ever tell her that.

"Oh but you just did!" She laughed happily as she began fiddling with said ears.

Dylas blushed harder. God, how the heck did he even confuse what to say and what to keep in mind?

Suddenly Frey stopped. Dylas sighed out of relief. This is really bad for his heart. It kept thumping rapidly when Frey is around. Heck, heart attacks may not be any shock to him anymore if this keeps up.

But suddenly Frey grabbed onto his swishing tail when he was deep in thought and starts petting it.

"Frey!" He yelled at her, who pretended not to notice. His face grew a shade darker, as if it was still even still possible. "Hahaha~" Frey giggled, enjoying this bashful side of Dylas.

Why did he get stuck with Frey petting him? Why can't she leave his animal characteristics alone. Why can't she just bother Leon? Although if she did, he would totally be punching the living daylights out of him.

"Someone is getting jealous.." Frey laughed at him. Heck, did he just say those words out loud again? He should really pay attention to his mouth.

Dylas looked away from Frey, who smirked without mercy complete with a label read 'evil' plastered on her forehead. She stopped petting him and giggled as she glomped to the half breed from behind, startling the azure headed man.

"Don't worry," she purred onto his ears softly. "You're the only one I'll do this to!"

Hearing the reassuring words Frey said, Dylas smiled softly, making sure Frey doesn't see it. Well, he can live with this side of her. After all, this is one of the many reasons he loves her so much.



beta-ed by Foxy, and the re edited again by Wolf

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