Chapter 9 - A Familiar Face

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"Kat, are you coming inside? Or are you going to stand outside all night?"

I snapped out of my thoughts to see Danielle standing in front of me, a confused look evident on her face.

I didn't even realize that I had stopped waking or that the rest of the group was way ahead of us. Although I'm not entirely sure whether or not One Direction are really here, I still need to go inside.

I nodded my head. "Yeah, I'm coming," I said as I forced a smile. I'm here first and foremost for business and I need to be as professional as possible.

I followed Danielle inside the restaurant and towards the back room. Apparently it had been reserved only for us and the rest of the crew working on the tour. We could barely walk into the room, it was packed with so many people. I'm surprised so many bodies can fit in such a tiny area. I looked around the room and was relieved to not recognize anybody besides Danielle and the other dancers. Maybe Danielle doesn't know who the band is. Maybe she just said the first band she thought of and went with it.

As I continued scanning the room I soon spotted a familiar face. No, it can't be. However, my heart instantly dropped to my stomach and my hands clenched into fists. It's true. Standing across the room was the last person I ever wanted to see.


He looks even more perfect than the last time I saw him. His hair is perfectly styled into his signature quiff that I love so much. His attire is simple, as always, consisting of a black button down and denim jeans. Whoever he is speaking to made him laugh, and his heart melting smile made an appearance. It's taking everything in me not to run over to him and kiss him all over, even though he is absolutely stunning.

I can't be here.

I am in no way, shape, or form ready to see Louis tonight. I need to process the fact that we are in the same room together, let alone touring with each other for several months. I started to walk through the crowded room in the hopes of finding Chad. I need to leave and go back to the hotel for the night. Hopefully he can arrange a way for me to head back before Louis notices that I'm here.

Before I could reach Chad, though, I felt someone link their arm with mine. I turned around to see Danielle smiling at me. "Come on, Kat. I'll introduce you to everyone."

She proceeded to drag me around the room and introduced me to various crew members and some of the band. There are so many people working on this tour, it will be hard to keep track of everyone. Danielle seems pretty friendly with everyone. Was there some sort of introduction that I missed? She did say she arrived yesterday.

"How do you know everyone so well?" I asked we began to circle the room.

"You should meet the boys," she said, ignoring my question.

"Oh, that's okay," I said as calmly as I could. "I'm sure they're busy talking to other people. You know, people who are actually important. I can just meet them tomorrow."

Danielle shook her head. "Don't be ridiculous. You are important. You've been hired to work with these boys for the next few months. The least they can do is take a few minutes to introduce themselves." 

Before I could say anything she grabbed my arm and began pulling me towards a group of people. She tapped a boy with blonde hair on the shoulder and he turned around. He has the most electrifying blue eyes I've ever seen.

"Hey, Dani. How are you?" He reached forward and pulled Danielle in for a hug.

"I'm good. I've missed you," she admitted.

"Same," he said as he pulled away. "Who's your friend?" He asked as he turned towards me.

"This is Kat Miller," Danielle said as she put a hand on my shoulder. "She's one of the dancers. Kat," she said as she turned to me. "This is Niall Horan."

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