Chapter 14

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It was rather warm for the beginning of summer, the breeze stinging the air with a reminder of spring as Zayn flipped another page of his book. He was sat peacefully against a large sycamore tree, watching Liam and Mezi from a far as they play footie against Louis, Harry and Niall.

He could still hear Mezi firmly stating this morning how he and Liam were going to beat the boys. Hands down, because Dada taught me footie, and Dada is the best.

Everyone had laughed, pretending it would not happen but as always, they played into the boy's fantasy, plunging all over the field, pretending to be exhausted as they ran after Mezi, watching him kick the ball into the improvised goal. It was a sight to behold, Liam bolting after Mezi to sweep the boy off his feet, zooming him through the air as Mezi squealed in delight and they both chanting, TEAM NUMBER 1, TEAM NUMBER 1.

Glancing back down at his book, Zayn finished his chapter, an infectious smile staining his lips until he gazed up again. His grin immediately fell into a frown as he saw a woman ran her frail hand up Liam's shoulder as she laughed, Mezrhad cuddled happily into Liam's arms, hiding his face into the older man's neck because he hated strangers.

It was beyond obvious she was flirting with Liam, hip propped out as her indecently high giggle resonated through the park, making Zayn seethe as he smacked his book close. He could see the deep flush on Liam's cheek, the way he dipped his head nervously as Zayn approach which only had Zayn walking a little faster.

It's not that Zayn was possessive person, or didn't trust Liam, because he did trust him. The problem was he did not like when people touched Liam out of turn, he did not like how these women thought they were entitled to have their hands all over Liam because the man was too kind to say no or push them away.

Zayn's other problem was the fact that Liam was a single mom magnet, the sight of him with Mezi in his arms, the boy's face always split into a wide smile, something all women loved. Every where they went, Liam was constantly stopped by various women, their greedy hands lingering over Liam's strong biceps. The minute Zayn stepped away to go get something, or buy a cup of coffee and left Mezi with Liam, he came back to giggling blonds hitting on his husband, or busty brunettes asking Liam help because they couldn't reach the box of cereal on the shelf.

He's your soon to be husband, Zayn reminded himself as he finally stepped behind Liam, wrapping his arm around the man's waist, kissing Liam's neck without giving the woman any attention as he marked his territory.

"Time to head home, jaan."

The minute Zayn looked up, hooking his chin over Liam's shoulder, he could see the woman's face fall, her look of utter disappointment turning her lips into a frown as she took a step back.

Without another word, she gave Liam a slightly awkward nod, giving him a muted it was nice to meet you before rushing away, obviously embarrassed as she stumbled over her own feet.

The way Niall and Louis catcalled after her didn't seem to help, both men sprawled in the grass near by as Harry rolled his eyes at them. After a year the younger lad still seemed to be adjusting to Niall and Louis's rowdiness, something Liam had accepted without faltering once.

"Someone's a little jealous," sing sung Liam as he spun on his heel, Mezi sighing in his neck as the boy's gentle fingers tapped a beat along Liam's collarbone.

Shrugging, Zayn wrapped his hand around Liam's hip, giving the finger to Niall as the blond mirrored the gesture.

"It's not my fault everyone just loves you so much, I'm going to have to put a leash on your or something," mumbled Zayn, as he started walking away, pulling Liam with him.

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