Is This My Imagination?

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"Kaiba, I-I think I had another hallucination..." Jou spoke hesitantly. Seto's eyes widened.
"Shit. Now you have to be careful about what is a hallucination and what isn't. You should beware it." Jou looked at the ground, his eyelids heavy again. "I'm tired. I'm going to sleep." He murmured, laying on the ground carefully. He wrapped Seto's coat around himself and closed his eyes.

"Night, Kaiba." He yawned and drifted to sleep.
"Night, Jonouchi." Seto replied, looking at the sky.

3rd P.O.V
The hallucinations started to piss Seto off. Jou had them like 3-4 times a day. It was so annoying! Especially when he always refused to tell him what happened. Seto wasn't used to deal with a quiet and very frustrated Jou. 'Damn, even arguing with him is easier than dealing with him like this!' Seto thought and looked at Jou, who was sitting on the ground, hugging his knees and drawing something in the dirt with a stick. 'Now I can't even recognize if he has the hallucination or not!' a wave of anger came through Seto.
"Jonouchi?" he asked. Jou looked at him and let out a "Hmmm....?". He had big bags under his eyes – because some of the hallucinations happened at night – and his hair was messier than usual. His normally amber eyes were now more brown.
"I'm going to find some food. Stay here and don't move." Jou just nodded and watched Seto leave. After some time Seto came back with some fruit and fish. He left the fruit in front of Jou. "You haven't eaten in days, aren't you hungry?" Seto asked, biting the mango he had in his hand. Jou just poked the fruit with the stick he was holding. "I'm not hungry." He simply said. Seto groaned and shoved the mango in Jou's mouth. Or at least tried. The mango was too big – it didn't fit in his mouth, so Jou bit it. "Eat. Now." Seto said in demanding voice, tightening the grip on the mango. Jou closed his eyes and moaned. Which of course gave Seto dirty thoughts. Of course he imagined something else in Jou's mouth. That caused him to drop his hand, leaving the mango in Jou's teeth. Jou took hold of the mango and bit off a part of it. His mouth hurt badly. Jou blushed a little. In the hallucinations he sometimes had even bigger things in his mouth. Jou continued to bite off the parts of the mango, getting redder by every second.

Seto just stared at the ground with a blank face. 'What the hell did I just imagine?' he thought and gripped his hair. He looked at the mango in front of him. He reached out his hand to take it, but Jou thought exactly the same and their hands slightly touched. Jou immediately withdrew his hand and blushed a little. Seto looked away. "It's fine. You can take it." He said. Jou smiled. "Thanks." He murmured and took hold of the mango. As he chewed on it, he slowly said. "Well, it seems you don't completely hate me, Kaiba." Seto just looked at the sky. "I guess not." Jou moved closer to him without being noticed. He ate the last bit of the mango and he squeezed his eyes shut. He let out a relieved sigh and streched his arms. Then he hugged his legs and laid his head on his knees.

"You okay?" Seto asked and put his hand on the blonde's forehead. It was warmer than it should be. Jou slapped his hand and turned away. Seto sighed. "You're acting like a girl on her period." Jou looked at him with a glare. "I'm not!" he snapped. Seto chuckled. "You're just proving what I said." Jou pouted. "You're mean!" he whined. "Yes I am." Seto confirmed and smirked at him.
Jou was completely swayed by that smirk. It made Seto look so handsome and dominant. Jou reached out his hand and touched Seto's face. Seto didn't flinch. He took Jou's hand and put it away from his face, his eyes looking straight into Jou's. Jou couldn't take the tension anymore and leaned in.
Seto froze when Jou's lips suddenly crushed onto his own. He looked at Jou and his eyes widened. Jou's honey eyes were closed in pure bliss. He looked so fragile and submissive. Seto never imagined he could see the Katsuya Jonouchi making a face like that. And he certainly enjoyed the feeling that he was the one who caused Jou to make that face.

'No, no, you mustn't think like this!' Seto thought and roughly pushed Jou off himself and wiped his mouth. "What the fuck are you doing?!" he spat at the ground, avoiding eye contact. There was a silence between them, until Seto heard soft sniffling. "Jonouchi?" he turned to Jou to see that he had his face burried in his hands. "Hey, are you-" Seto tried to put his hand on Jou's shoulder, but it got slapped away. "Don't touch me!" Jou yelled with a hurt look in his eyes, his face red and soaked with tears. He stood up and pulled his hair. "What do you think happens in those hallucinations?!" he yelled at Seto, tears streaming down his face. Seto remained silent. Then he slowly said. "Why did you do that?" Jou cringed, more tears running down his face. "Try to think, douchebag!" he snapped and turned away from Seto. "Or are you really that thick-headed?" he sniffled.
Seto stood up. "I'm way more intelligent than you." He hissed, making Jou flinch a bit. He walked to Jou, who was obviously frightened. He grabbed him by his wrists and stared into his amber eyes. "Now tell me. Why did you do that?" he gritted his teeth, sending a shiver down Jou's spine. Jou built enough strenght to push Seto off himself and to run to the woods. "Jonouchi wait!" Seto yelled, but the only thing he heard now, were the sounds of leaves and Jonouchi's muffled: "I wish that this whole situation never happened!"

Well, it took me days to finish this!! Hope you like it! :P

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