The Reason for Fireworks

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This is a ridiculous paper I wrote in 6th grade which concludes itself to say why we set off fireworks on the Fourth of July. Please excuse it is not very good for I was fairly young. :p



My story begins in a little village of Rainville. In Rainville, all the grass grew long and green. The ground was covered with dazzling, colorful flowers. Rainville was known for its remarkable sized mountain on the Northeast side of town. Every morning nearly fifty people would visit this monumental mound. All the people of Rainville never thought of the mountain to be any sort of harm. They all thought it was the perfect place to settle and live.

The mayor, Rainelle, lived at the highest peak of the mountain, getting visitors very often. But one beautiful hot summer day, the mayor and her closest friend, Summer, started to feel a rumble while having tea. It wasn't just a rumble as if a tiny earthquake, but a massive shake, as if coming from the surface below. They were both slightly frightened, but didn't think it was anything too serious.

After a few minutes, a tremble hit them again. Now, they felt alarmed. They ran outside the house to see what all the ruckus was about. Shocked expressions covered their faces as they saw Rainelles house cracking open from beneath. Rainelle was so traumatized, she could hardly move. Once she finally caught her breath, she quickly dashed down the mountain to call for help. But by the time she got to the bottom, she realized not only her home was exploding, but the entire summit. Everyone soon caught on to the fact, that the terrifying incident was a volcano!!

Luckily, Dr. Einstorm came to the rescue. He raced as fast as he could to his workshop, building a colossal wall to protect them all. Within minutes, it was complete. The townspeople put up the wall, stopping the flow of the vast eruption from getting any further. Now that they were safe, they could praise Dr. Einstorm for his tremendous help. From this day on, in honor of Dr. Einstorm, we set off fireworks on the fourth of July.

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