Chapter 7

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I wanted to ask him, but something was telling me not to. I just did what felt best, and asked him.

"Evan?" He had stopped kissing my neck and looked up at me in worry, I told him I wanted to wait to have sexual intercourse with him, and he accepted, he knew how I was, especially after the whole "Callum incident".

"Yeah? Am I hurting you?" He said. I shook my head.

"No, Evan, I just wanted to know... how did you do that?" I asked, his worried face went straight to a confused face.

"Do what?" I want to ask him, I needed to know what he is, and what Callum is, why was this happening.

"The... the healing thing, on my lip" I said, he then knew what I was talking about and then looked like he did want to talk anymore, he got from the bed and sat on the edge of it.

"The truth?" He said not wanting to explain.

"Yes, Evan" I said anxiously, I needed to know what was going on, the disappearances, the popping up out of nowhere, and Callum; it was all so much for me to impact.

"So... I guess I should tell ya... I mean, I knew I would someday......... I'm a demon" he said, I stared into his eyes for a while as he stared back into mine. I seriously thought he was joking, I mean come on a demon! I could look in his eyes and tell he was telling the truth.

"So what does that mean?!" I yell getting from the bed and backing up slowly."Are you going to hurt me?" He gets from the bed and follows me.

"(F/n), I would never hurt you, I love you so much, you mean everything to me" he said with love in his eyes. I was officially scared to death by Evan. "I just eat... people" he said shyly. "And Callum is like a master to us" he says.

"What?! ... So that day, when you were flirting with that girl, and Callum and I were in the boy's restroom-" I was cut off by Evan's voice.

"No! I wasn't apart of that, well not the Callum thing!" He yelled. "But before he did it... he told us the plan..."

"If you knew what was happening, why weren't you there for me!" I yelled back, tears began to roll down my face.

"I was there, (F/-" I cut him off.

"I mean before everything happen, before he was hitting me, before he told me to take off my clothes, before he pushed me down! Or were you just worried about eating that girl or not breaking Callum's trust?" I said, Evan stayed silent.

I look at him in disgust, and run to the bathroom, locking the door. He starts to bang on the door. "(F/n), please let me talk to you, it's just a big misunderstanding, I can't control it, it just takes over me!" He said still banging. I could tell he was worried about me, from the apologetic voice he was using.

This was too much. I couldn't take it anymore, I looked for my razor, and started cutting my wrist. I felt the blood ease out of me, it made me feel better and not so stressed about anything. Evan must had smelled the blood and started bang harder and trying to push the door down.

"(F/N)! Open the got damn door now!!" He said wiggling the door knob. I just ignored him and his yells, I could care less. He left me when I needed him the most. "(F/N)! DON'T DO ANYTHING WORTH REGRETTING, PLEASE!" He yells, I moved on to the other arm, and put the razor on it. Starting to cut, I hear a the door go down. All of a sudden, Evan snatched the razor from me and started licking my wrist trying to heal the pain, I struggle to get my wrist back but he had a good grip on them. I try and try and finally get my arms back, I then run as far as I could out of the house down the street and into the woods; anywhere I could lose Evan.

I stopped behind a tree to catch my breath, looking back I didn't see Evan. I my back on the wide tree and slid down to rest a bit, after I close my eyes and stopped breathing so heavily, I hear foot steps coming towards the way I was running.

"(F/n), come on... I know your out here, I can smell you" he says, I softly cried to myself. This couldn't be real, this was a dream, a really bad dream I was having. I close my eyes and think happy thoughts.

I just want a normal teenage life. Family, friends, boyfriend; I have no family, no friends, no anything.

"...Why does everything bad happen to be?" I asked looking into the sky, it was the one question I had for the world... the universe. Right when I closed my eyes, I felt a warm arm go on the back of my neck. I knew it was Evan, I pushed him back and started walking back to my house, I'm done with life.

"What do I have to do to get you to love me again?!" Evan yelled in my direction. I turned around to face him, I didn't want to cry, but the tears were going to start coming out sometime.

"Go away, Evan" I said to him, his expression on his face looked like he was about to started crying, "I never want to see you again!" I knew what I was doing, and it was for my own safety, I am scared of Evan, well Demon Evan.

"No! Please (F/n), don't do this to me!" He said covering up his ears, and shaking his head at the same time. "We've been best friend since kindergarten..."

"Go away!" I yelled, he then started to pull out his brown messy hair, crying.

"(F/N)! YOUR ALL I WANT!! YOUR ALL I HAVE!! YOUR THE ONLY THING I LOVE IN THIS WORLD!!!" He screamed, I couldn't help but to cry went he said that, but I shook my head.

"GO AWAY!!" I closed my eyes, hoping to not see him again.

"Nooooo..."I then hear crickets for a distance, and opened my eyes to see nothing. I dropped down to the ground balled up my body, hugging my knees. I'm  probably never going to see Evan again, but he has changed, a lot. He's not the Evan I grew up with, Evan would be super over protective of me, and wouldn't let no one touch me, and when he lied and said he had to go to the restroom, and Callum started touching me, I felt worthless like I couldn't fight back. Evan wouldn't have lied.

I got up from the ground and walked back home. It was cold outside, and I had on my nightgown so I was freezing cold, shivering to my doorstep. I walked up the steps as they squeaked, this was a pretty old house, I've lived in it ever since I was born.

I remember at school, Evan came to my class in kindergarten, he was the new student.

"Alright class, we have a new student!" Mrs. Cooper was my favorite teacher in kindergarten, she was the nicest thing in the world, would never hurt a fly, "This is Evan Peters" he had long orangish blonde hair, it was curly on top then tangled when it got to his shoulders, his eyes were dark brown and his smile was the best smile ever. I was wearing pigtails, a dark pink top, and light pink jeans with light up sketchers.

He was dressed in a plaid shirt, old ripped blue jeans, and some crocs. He was kinda cute to me. Through all these years, I've never admitted my true feelings for Evan. I knew he liked me because he kept smiling at me.

"Evan, you'll sit next to (F/n), (F/n) please raise your hand for Evan to see" I raised my hand in silence while staring at Evan. He walks towards me and sits on the empty seat. He looks at me with a smile on his face, I couldn't help but to giggle at him. He was adorable.

I need to take that memory out of my head, and replace it, but I couldn't, I don't have and friends.

Once I reached my bed, I hope to see this terrible nightmare go away. I crawled in my bed and hold my pillow tightly as I could, hoping that this day wasn't real.

"I have nobody" is all I said before my eyelids closed to go to sleep.

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