Chapter 1.

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Naomi's POV

I groaned as I heard my phone alarm go off  for the third time this morning . I didn't feel like waking up , but I had too because today was me and my best friend Kaelie's  morning trip to the cafe around the corner.

I rolled off of my comfy bed . The warm blankets were inviting me to join back in with them. I took a last glance of my bed , and started to head to the closest . Now  I was more worried about what I should wear .

I had a walk in closet , filled with different name brands and styles . I flicked the light on , so I could see what options I had .

After a few minutes I decided to wear a baby blue top paired with LuLu Lemon leggings , and a nice ivory cardigan . I also choose a simple necklace with an arrow on the chain .

It was my favorite necklace. As I was pinning it behind my brunette curls , I heard my phone buzz .

I walked over to my phone , and it had the flashing words Kaelie Woods flashing on it. I smiled , and picked up the device

" Hey! We are still going to the cafe today , right?"
" Of course ! " I replied . Why would she ask?
"  Oh ok good "
" Why did you ask"  I asked.
" Oh no reason ..." I heard her giggle
" KAELIE WHAT?!" I screamed . Anxious too know.
" Well, it's just that Ayden and a couple of his friends are also going to the cafe".

OMG! Kaelie and I have been crushing on Ayden ever since he arrived at our high school, Thornwood high. Me and Kaelie are sophomores and he is a junior . But who cares! He's still cute !

" You can't be serious!" I squealed .
" I also can't believe it either Naomi!"
" Are you ready Kaelie? I can meet you by your house and we can walk there together."
" Okay! I just need to finish my french braids and I'll be all set! See you soon!"

My phone turned to the lock screen of me and Kaelie when we went to our cafe the first time ever . I smiled , this was going to be fun.

A/N ----

Hey guys ! This is my first book ever so I hope you guys like it :) This is just the beginning of the story , so the fun stuff is coming soon! Please comment constructive criticism , like , and vote !

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