Stop them.

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Red. Blue. Silver. Black. Silver. Pink. Silver. Damn, lots of silver cars today.

Blue. Green. Black and white. Red. Wait! The police were near me! Time for some violence.

As soon as I saw them, they must have seen me. A siren went off, and I knew it had gotten serious.

All because of some Dubstep. I had always loved the beats of some electronic drone blaring into my ears, so I shared some of my favorites on my Facebook. Big mistake. In twenty three and a half seconds, I had violated SOPA, PIPA, and ACTA. The governement was on my back quicker than I was when doughnuts were involved.

As my mind flashed back to the present, I realized I had to make the initiative. If they rammed me first, I was done. To counteract this from happening, I swerved into the vehicle that was causing all this distress.

There was a loud thump, and his side had been crushed as if he was a bug, and I a newspaper. But this was no ordinary car. This was a police vehicle. Built to be tough. This hit had virtually done nothing, but I couldn't stop.

The officer returned my strike, and I was knocked into some other cars. Shame they had to be injured in this.This was my Struggle, and not theirs. I had to ignore emotions though. I had to keep fighting.

I used a P.I.T. maneuver, and was successfull. The car was sent careening, spinning in cricles.

Unfortunately,  this wasn't the end of the unnamed officer. Two balding men stepped out of their cruiser both with shotguns. They took aim and fired. I swerved as to reduce accuracy, but it barely helped. The first went through both windshields, missing my head by a foot thankfully. The next was worse. I heard the sound of metal hitting metal, and my engine was no more.

This was terrible. I had two choices. Keep going on momentum, or stop now. I pondered for a few seconds, and made my mind. I was fighting this to the death.

I stepped on my brakes more than a mother would, about to ram into her child. This car was decent, so I came to a complete stop within a few seconds. I took out a pistol and got ready for some real fighting.

As I exited my now dead vehicle, a bullet veered over my head. I saw the man who tried to kill me to my right. Time to repay a favor. I lifted my arm, cocked my gun, took aim, and pulled my trigger. His head exploded with blood. That was the end of one.

His partner screamed in a mixture of grief and anger. I used this advantage. One more down.

Then they got me. I felt a sharp pain in my right shoulder.

I was over. I used my left hand to raise the gun to my head, and delivered one final speech.

"Americans! Why has this happened? Why am I about to die because I recommended one song to a friend? This is because the corporations own the government. They own all. The governemtn plays along like some sick puppet show. Remember! The government can be good, but conversely, it can also be satans tool. In my wake, remember one thing. Protest the unfair laws. The government needs to know what we want. I am finished, but you are not. Goodbye."

I pulled my trigger. Then darkness.

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