Chapter 5

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I lie on the bed, completely numb. After I had cleaned up in the bathroom, Nicholas brought me back here and left.

Selfish Bastard had a smirk on his face the entire time too ! God I wanted to make him feel the way i did.

I wasn't complaining though, the less he was around me. The better.

I was just raped..... I don't know how to handle this...

How could he do this to me ? He used to be such a nice guy.. and now..

He claimed he loved me but he does this ? No, he doesn't love me.

This is all about dominance with him. He's trying to break me but he won't succeed.

No, he won't. I will fight until I'm out of here and send his ass to jail.

I found my clothes and slipped them back on, I'd need these for when I escape. But how ? I had to think.

-Nicholas' P.O.V-

Last night went well, Melanie reacted exactly how i knew she would. She liked it and she can't deny it. It won't be long before I have her under my complete control.

Oh yes, the next stage is with the adult toys i bought. They are proven to get a positive reaction, she'll be begging me to take her.

Oh yes, I couldn't wait to see her face.


I glanced around the room to see if there were any escape points. So far, there was only a window and it was high off the ground.

Could I make it ? I climbed onto the bed to check the height. I figured I could but I'd have to be very quiet.

I began pulling myself up to the windowsill, it took a lot of effort but I managed to get up.

I checked to see if the window was openable and see two latches. I pulled at the latches and unlatched both sides, I cheered and slowly opened the window.

The fresh air felt good but I waited a few minutes before continuing to make sure Nicholas hadn't heard anything.

When he didn't come, I opened the window even wider and looked out to see if I could make it. I gasped at the scenery, where was I ?

There was woods for miles ! But I didn't care, I wasn't going to let this bastard use me as his sex slave !

I used the tree as a guide to help me down the window as slow as I could without making noise. Every time I climbed further down, I made sure i had enough foot room.

Soon my feet hit the soft dirt at the bottom, yes I did it ! But it wasn't over yet. A car pulls into the driveway making me duck behind the tree.

Shit was that him ? Of course it was him ! Who else would it be ?

A door opened and shut, I waited to hear the screen door to the house open and shut and then I ran. I didn't care where, anywhere but in the clutches of Nicholas.

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