Ch 3: Destiny of The Warrior

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Cat's P.O.V.

I felt so powerful in this form. Form? I mean one of the them said I had golden hair now and I could feel some parts of it flowing up.
Although my training clothes ripped in various places.

Good thing it wasn't around my chest even though I don't have much to show it's still embarrassing to expose them, obviously.

The two minions headed straight towards me put I easily blocked them.
Grabbing their hair I smashed their heads together with such force that I thought I had broken their skulls.
Blood was dripping from their heads though.

"You bitch," one coughed.

"My name is Cat. I am not a bitch," I replied with a sassy tone.

He groaned and started running towards me once more.
This time he aimed correctly.

I spat out some blood but I smeared it off my chin quickly.

I glared at him. My eyes were probably giving out that tiger look Vica always told me about.
He said whenever I got angry, stressed or even cranky my eyes turned yellow and my pupil became a vertical line.

I sprinted and I knew I was too fast for him because his eyes didn't even move.
I punched him in the stomach which made him fall backwards.
Probably to his death.

My neck twisted to the others but they were all knocked out.

I sighed heavily.
My hair went back to my forehead covering my eyes.
All the pain grew back.
I fell to my knees.
I felt weak, I probably used too much power, way too much power.

I crawled to Vica's side.
He was being covered by a jacket of blood. His own blood.

"V-Vica," My voice cracked leaving me informed that I was now crying.
"You dumbass. I-I-I haven't cried since that day I found out I was never related to you. You know I hate doing it," I forced a chuckle from my mouth but it only made me cry harder.
I placed my head on his chest, letting tears fall.

"You shouldn't call your master a dumbass, Cat."

I opened my eyes and sprung up to meet Vica's grey ones.

I hugged him. Almost crushing him.

"I'm so glad you're okay..."

"Calm down, Cat. You have to believe in me more than that."

"You just exploded and you want me to believe in you more? Honestly I have no idea why I was sad.
I could finally have a good night's rest if you died," I laughed.

He groaned, I got up. Even though he was a couple of inches or even more, taller than me. I carried him home.

"I should be ashamed," he grinned.





This childish old man is...

He's the only family I have.

-Neo Sayian-  Where stories live. Discover now