Victor Nikiforov (2/2)

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I'm in the kitchen cooking some food for the customers.Then I heard footsteps behind me.It was Victor

"Dobroye Utro,Zhena!What are you doing?" My eyes twitch

"'Zhena?My name is (Y/n)."

"I know!" He innocently smile

"Then,why are you calling me 'Zhena'?What's that even mean?"

"It~A~Sec~ret~." He winks at me.I rolled my eyes

"Here." I put a bowl of noodles

"Hm? What's this?"

"Your breakfast and it's called Soba." I can see his eyes with excitement

"Oh and it's a custom if you slurp it loudly."

"What?Really?" (I forgot when it's bold he speak in English)

"Yes.Its mean a compliment to the cooker."
"Japan is interesting!"

"Okay stop talking and eat.I have to cook for the customers." He pout

"Can you let someone else do it?"

"What?No!I'm the cooker here.So I have my duties."

Then auntie came in

"(Y/n)-chan,leave the cooking duty to me."


"It's okay.Just leave it to me." I sigh.Theres no use to fight back

"Fine." I heard a loud slurping

"Is it like this?"

'He's enthusiastic for everything.'

"Yes,it is Victor.Now,I'm gonna go change.Victor after this I like you to meet someone.Take Yuuri too"

"Where are we going?"

"EHH?!!!" Five people scream in shock

"Hello!I'm Victor Nikiforov.Today,I'll be Yuri's coach." He waved.

"Oh god.Quatruplet flips...." Yuuko cried in happiness

"Don't worry mama!I'll take the picture!"

"I'm recording it!"

"Can I upload this?"

"Absolutely not in public,you skater otaku trio!" Yuuri and I said

"Ne!(y/n)-chan." Yuuko called me to come over


"Do you believe it?Victor Nikiforov is skating infront of us.Its like a dream come true."  I smile in response

"Yeah.It is.I never thought it would turn like this.Its like a twist of fate.Thanks for your girls,he came here."

"They can be troublesome but at the end,its worth it."

"Hm,your right."

"Kobuta-chan can't enter the ice rink if don't lose weight." I heard Victor said and I laugh

"(Y/n)-chan,don't laugh!It's not funny!" Yuuri plead me to stop while pouting

"S-sorry,can't help it."

Victor skates towards me and lean against the railing

"(Y/n),will you skate with me?" That totally make me off guard

"E-eh?No I can't sk---."

"Don't lie to me." Victor turn serious

"I know you can skate." Victor continue

"Oh?What's your proof that I can skate?"

"I saw the incident.I saw everything." I widen my eyes

"Actually I know your name of a long time.When we first met,I knew it all along it was you.Lets just say I'm your fan.The reason I continue skating because of you.I heard that your reputation once dropped then you rise back.Now,your fans and everyone else is waiting for you to rise back."

Everyone widen their eyes

I change my hands into fists and sigh "Fine.I'll do it." Victor grin.You take off your coat and reveal dark blue long sleeve shirt.After you put your blades you entered the ice rink.Victor skates and take your hand

"Are you ready,zhena?"

"Yeah." "Good."

(I'm too lazy to put a skating video.Just imagine skating in your way.Sorry)

"That's so cool,(y/n)-chan!"

"Thank you."

"You and Victor are perfect to be pairs."

"No,it's just a coincidence."

"I.Told.You.Are.Perfect.To.Be.Pairs." Yuko glare and you sweatdrop

-At Yu-topia-

Victor,Yuuri and me are eating dinner together.Its just only silent until Victor speak up

"So..?Are gonna rise back?"

"I don't know.I'll think about it." Victor nodded

-At your room-

I lay down my bed and see Kuro sleeps under the bed.Don't ask me why.He like to sleep under the bed.


"Who is it?" "It's me,Victor.Can I come in?"

I gasp and take off all the poster of Victor and put it in my table drawer.

"Um..Yeah,sure." Victor came in and close the door.I sit on a chair nearby

"So,any reason you came here?" Victor sits down

"Y'know,actually I hoping you could go back to ice skating."

" ......... " "You give me passion to skate.Like this morning,your a great skater.No wonder people call you the 'Queen Of The Ice Rink'.But,I understand if you don't want to." He stands up even I stand up.He walks towards the door and turn around.He hug me and whisper

"Ya lyublyu tebya,zhena."

Then,he left when I was dumbfounded

"He do know I don't know Russian language,right?"

-The End-

A/n: Btw,all the russian language is Google translate.T__T I'm sorry!I don't know any Russian language.Please forgive me

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