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      Christmastime wasn't exactly a favorite of Nova Nott's. 

      This was due to the fact that Christmas was mostly spent silently at the Nott manor. The twins would get up, open the few gifts their father had gotten them, and then retreat back to their bedrooms with nothing else to do until dinner time came around, where they would then sit at the long table and try to make small talk, which was neither Nott twins' forte. After the awkward dinner, that was that. Christmas was over and the next morning, their father would be up and already at work before either one of the twins had even fathomed getting up.

      So when December reared its ugly head, Nova was feeling slightly dejected. Theo was spending more time with her since Greengrass had pointed it out to him, so she supposed she was grateful for that, but the looming dread of another Christmas with her father was bringing her spirits down. Which was something that the Weasley twins noticed when she was talking to them in the kitchens the night before the next D.A. meeting that Potter had finally gotten around to scheduling. 

      "That sounds like the worst Christmas ever," Fred (she was getting better at telling them apart, but the big F on his sweater certainly helped) mentioned as he bit into leftover turkey from dinner that evening. George nodded his head in agreement but didn't speak, for he had chocolate pudding shoved halfway in his mouth. 

      Nova shrugged. "I'm not a big fan of it, but I'm used to it. What's Christmas like at your house? Weasley mentioned something about being on the outs with one of your brothers. Peter, or something like that."

      Both of the twins scoffed. "Percy. Yeah, he's a git. Doubt he's celebrating Christmas with us this year. Might be better without him, though. All he does is make mum upset and if he's going to do that, then I certainly don't want him there," George answered, rolling his eyes. "Thinks he's too good for the family."

      The Slytherin girl nodded. The people she loved the most were some of the ones who hurt her the most. Her brother, her father. She thought that maybe it was like that in other houses as well. She'd never have imagined the Weasleys would be feeling that way, but they surprised her everyday. 

      Nova woke up the next morning with feeling slightly better. Today was the D.A. meeting, and it was something Nova had been looking forward to ever since Potter had announced the date and the fake Galleon had burned in her pocket in the middle of Arithmancy. When she arrived at the Room of Requirement, she spotted Weasley and Granger hanging around and waiting for Potter to start the lesson, so she made her way over to them. Weasley gave her a smile of acknowledgement while Granger launched into speech.

      "Any plans for your holiday, Nova?" Granger asked, and Nova shook her head.

      "Nothing of significant importance." She stood for a few moments as Weasley and Granger stared at her expectantly. When Granger slightly raised a brow, Nova understood what she had done wrong. "Oh. Right. Do you have any plans for the holiday, Granger?"

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