wibbly wobbly timey wimey

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in the kingdom of time, a knight sits in a windowsill, boot proped on the wall. his red eyes are covered by dark shades and an unchallenged pokerface graces his pale skin. that crimson gaze is directed out the window at the clear night sky. the queen walks into the room. she knew this was where she would find him. the knight looks up, giving her a head nod of aknowlegement. she stares blankly at him. "dave, I need you to do sonething for me" he quirks up an eyebrow. "I need you to watch over damara and keep her safe. she is acting strangly. her eyes are blank as she leaves and he sighs, walking away and to the room of the witch. witches are somead crazy shit. they have these visions and advise the kings and queens of the kingdoms lucky yet unlucky enough to have them. he opened a heavy wooden door and saw the witch damara, slumped over on a desk like she had been writing and fell asleep. he peeked around her form and saw a puddle of her maroon blood. on a stained paper she had written something but it was in her weird ass language so he could not make it out. no, but he did know that when a witch bled, shit was about to get real. he felt her pulse. okay. alive. picking her up, he gave a groan and flopped her on the bed that she decorated in silks most of the time. he used his cape to dry up the blood that had been pouring from her nose. shit was about to go down and he wasn't sure that the queen could handle it.

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