Hi! Let me start by introducing myself. My name is Ćhanel but everybody calls me Cha or Nelly. I'm 17 years old and I'm about to turn 18 in February. I'm a singer but I dance even more. I've been dancing since o was 2. I'm currently ending the day until 1 hour from now, I have to go to dance class. I got excepted into college much earlier then expected but all my friends are in college anyways. So I'm in line at the local smoothie shop and I see this dude who's being close to raped by this girl by the bathroom. I walk over to them and push the girl off. I look to the boy and he looks like he's scared of the situation. "Are you okay? Did you want that?" He shakes his head in fear. "She's been stalking me and raping me for the past year." I look at the girl in disgust. "You're lucky I'm not reporting you to the police." I look to the boy and smile. "Thank you-" I realize he doesn't know my name. "Ćhanel." He nods. He seems more relaxed. "Yes. Thank you Ćhanel for helping me. I'll buy your drink. Maybe we can sit down and get to know each other?" I nod. We buy our drinks and sit down to talk. "Well my name is Marcus Dobre and I have 3 older brothers, but only 2 of us go to this school. My closest brother is my twin, Lucas and the other two are Darius and Cyrus." I nod in complete interest. "My name is Ćhanel Wilson and I have 2 brothers, 1 younger and 1 older. Their names are Brandon and Anthony. Anthony is in high school and Brandon is graduated from college and now lives in Atlanta." He nods and we continue laughing and talking. The one thing that sticks for him and me as well is dancing. Soon it's been 45 minutes and we're heading to the same class. So we walk together. "Are you single?" He blurts out the random topic. "Yes. Why?" He shakes his head. We make it to the building and we walk in to see everyone stretching. We both join them and soon the instructor who looks as if she's also a student tell us to work in pairs. "The 5th pair is Ćhanel Wilson and Marcus Dobre. You may go into another room. Okay moving on." We both got up from sitting and we go into a different practice room. "Okay so let's pick a song."
And that my homies, is how I awkwardly met Mr. Marcus Dobre.
FanfictionMarcus Dobre moved to California to get away from his cheating ex but she just seems to be stalking him. But he finds a new girl. Will he trust her enough? Wazzup homies?! So in order to understand some things in this book you'll have to read my boo...