Beautiful Liar, You Are

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"I-I do actually, "

Gi In Kyo's POV

I woke up confused as to where I was. The room looked oddly familiar and yet I didn't know where I was. I tried moving but couldn't it felt as if something or someone was holding me down.  I looked behind me and I was shocked. Suga. He was behind me his arms wrapped around my waist. I didn't turn back around instead I studied his features. His pale skin, light pink lips, the small pout he had with his eyebrows scrunched. What could he be dreaming about?

I turned back around and tried to remember. What happened last night?  I started to remember some of the stuff that had happened. I took his hands off and walked to the door. I was half way out when I heard Suga's groggy voice. 

"Leaving already?" He asked half awake his eyes still closed.
"Yeah I am, " I told him.
" alright then, "
"...thanks for letting me spend the night here by the way,"
"sure, " was all he said before I walked out.

It was still early and the asylum still wasn't open at this time. I walked to Jungkook's room to see if by chance he was awake.

"Jungkook?..." I whispered into the dark room.

"In Kyo!" Jungkook half yelled and whispered. He was in front of the door. His face was pressed up against the clear glass with breathing holes. He looked so cute with his cheeks pressed up against it.

"Hi Kookie. ," I whispered quietly. He looked quite happy to see me but at the same time he looked curious.

"Why are you here? isn't it too early for you to be here?" He asked with a puzzled expression.

"I..." I didn't know if I should tell him or not that I got locked in the asylum last night for being slower than a sloth and turtle combined. I told him I'd be back. I was going to try and see if I could get my keys from the office. I try to open the door and to my luck it was unlocked. I stepped inside and proceeded to search for my keys.

I searched through drawers and desks. I was getting impatient and began doubting that I would even find them. I was getting tired, it had been 10 minutes and I still have not found the keys. I was about to get up when I saw a small glimmer. I stood up and walked towards it. Finally. I had found my keys. I grabbed them and ran back to Jungkook. He probably thought that had forgotten him or purposely left him.

"Jungkook, I'm back sorry I took so long-"

"couldn't find the keys?"

"Yeah," I told him and opened the door to the room. I walked in and sat down with him to talk for awhile.

~Time Skip to breakfast~

I went back to Jungkook's room to give him his breakfast which consisted of some oatmeal, an apple, and orange juice. It was a depressing looking breakfast. I never really paid any attention to the food that they gave to the patients until now. I left him to eat and went to give Yoongi his breakfast.

I entered his room and set the plate on the small table. I turned to leave but felt a cold sensation on my wrist. I looked back. It was Yoongi.

"need something?" I asked him.

"Yeah..I-I do actually," He said while making eye contact with me. His eyes looked somewhat different. They looked...soft . They weren't like his regular dark black orbs that gave off an eerie feeling. "be my girlfriend"

"what?" I asked in disbelief.

"you heard me, be my girlfriend,"

"I-I don't know abou-"

"You don't know what?" He said this time in a cold tone. His eyes displayed a cold and malicious aurora in them now. But that changed quickly. To a more soft and bright look."Come on just say yes,"

Suga's P.O.V. (short)

"You don't know what?" I asked. I guess my expression must have turned dark because of the frightened features in her face. I calmed down and put on a more soft expression."Come on just say yes,"

I didn't want to do this. I really didn't but how else was I going to be able to get what I needed. Now that Eun So wasn't my nurse anymore how was I supposed to continue my plan. The only option that I had was...well this and if this doesn't work than I'll have to use my other option. It isn't the best but let's just hope things go well and don't get complicated.

She wasn't going to easily give in so I came up with something.

In Kyo's P.O.V

I didn't know what to say. Why would he be asking me that? The last few days he could have cut my head off with anything sharp at hand if he really wanted to.

"I'll give you some time to think about it how about that? I'll give you until the end of the day, now get going," He said and walked to the table to pick up the apple.

i walked out of the room and went straight to the rooftop to get some air. I tried to collect my thoughts but everything was scattered everywhere. It was as if a hurricane had come through a small and calm town and left the homes, buildings, and objects thrown everywhere around.

"Hi In K-"

I screamed and just about fell off.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry are you okay?" asked Eun So.

"Yeah.. I'm fine,"

"oh well okay, come on we should go," Eun So said calmly and we walked back downstairs. I didn't completely trust her though. After hearing say she was trying to get rid of me.

~Time Skip..AGAIN~

It was just about time to close and leave and all I've thought of was what I was going to say to Yoongi. I was half way to his room when I stopped. I didn't know what I was going too say. I really didn't. One side of me wanted to say yes for unexplained reasons while the other wanted to say no that side could only think of all the cons.

I walked to the door and opened it.

"So....what's your answer?"

".....yes" I said feeling somewhat nervous about the decision I had just made.

Hi guys sorry I haven't updated in forever. I'll start updating regularly.
I didn't want to update for the longest time because I didn't want to it boring for those of you who  read this book. Anyways I hope you like this.

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