I'm Just your Problem

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"Why do you have to ruin everything? I called you for help with cleaning up the things IceQuenn ruined, and all you want to do is mess around!" Gumball screams at me.

"It's not my fault you don't know how to have fun. I'm not 'messing around', I'm living my life. You should try it sometime!" I shout back.

"You don't understand! I actually have responsibility. I don't have time to go around and act like a child all day. I have a kingdom to take care of, and I don't need you to mess everything up when I'm trying to take care of things! The least you could do is help!"

"Why would I want to help someone that does nothing but yell and complain about every fucking thing I do! We used to be friends, and you used to have fun. What the hell happened to you?"

"I grew up Marshall! You should try it, because I'm so sick of you acting like a child. You are so careless and reckless! Some people actually have jobs to do, and things to take care of!"

"I'm sick of you saying shit like that!"

"I'm sick of you! Glob, I hate you. I shouldn't have even called you! I knew you were going to act like this." I instantly froze at hearing that. "I hate you."

"Fine, if you hate me so much, I'll just leave. In fact, I'll never come back. I doubt you'll even care." and with that I turned and flew to the woods.

I had my guitar with me, I bring it everywhere. I strummed a few cords while I thought. I just can't believe he said he hated me. Well, I should have saw it coming. I act so horribly to him, but I can't help it. I don't know how he would react if he found out how I really feel. He would probably laugh in my face. He would never talk to me again. He just doesn't understand how much I fucking love him. He means everything. We were such good friends when we were younger, but then he started getting these jobs to do once he became the prince, and then he'll get married to a princess and become king. I have no chance. What the hell was I thinking? He would never love me.

"Sorry I don't treat you like a god, Is that what you want me to do? Sorry I don't treat you like you're perfect, Like all your little loyal subjects do. Sorry I'm not made of sugar, am I not sweet enough for you? Is that why you always avoid me? I must be such an inconvenience to you! Well, I'm just your problem! well, I'm just your problem. It's like I'm not even a person am I? I'm just your problem, well I shouldn't have to justify what I do. I shouldn't have to prove anything to you. I'm sorry that I exist. I forgot what landed me on your blacklist, but I shouldn't have to be the one who makes up with you, so why do I want to? Why do I want to, because of you I don't have a clue I'm asking you so why do I want to, and I guess that's that's why I wanna bury you in the ground why I wanna bury you with my sound I'm sorry that it's this way but I don't know what else to say cause I didn't mean to push all my friend away cause I'm just your problem and I'm just your problem."

I didn't realize I was crying till after I finished singing. I flew down to the ground, and slid down a tree till my knees were up to my chest. I closed my eyes and layed my head against the tree, and just let the tears roll down my cheeks. I don't see the point in holding them in anymore.

I opened up my eyes to see Gumball almost ten feet staring at me. The one thing I didn't think I would see were the tears running down his face.

"Gumball! What are you doing here?" I asked while wiping my face clear of any tears.

"I.......I-I followed you through the woods. I wanted to apologize for the things that I said. The were untrue and very rude of me to say." Gumball said while looking down at his feet.

"You don't have to apologize, I should. I was being an ass, and you just needed help. I understand if you don't want me in the candy kingdom anymore. I cause enough trouble on top of all the other things you have to take care of." I said while getting to my feet.

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