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The hospital is never fun nor happy. Here I am in the cancer area discussing my plan on taking care of my 'disease' ugh. Life holds no importance to me. Life is a word people use when they are afraid of death. But I'm different, always have been. You see to me there is no such thing as God, heaven, or life. But Hell... ehehe...now that's a different situation. You see you don't go to hell, no hell goes to you. You can't hide, nope this right now is hell. War, religion, politics its all hell. So dying isn't a problem for me. It turns out I have kidney cancer 'yay'. Well I guess having cancer scares the living daylights out of the church so I'm moving. Moving to a place where I well most likely dying.


As I'm packing all the essential medicines, wigs, clothes, make up (not my choice), toiletries, and of course my instruments, Yui comes in asking if I'm ready. When I finish I stand up and haul everything to the taxi that's supposed to take us to our destination.

When we arrive at the destination I stare in aww as Yui and I gawk at ginormous mansion. we soon found ourselves at the front door. Being polite I knock and for some one to kindly welcome us to their home but Yui found it impatient to just wait and just opened the door and walked in like she owned it. Petrified my reputation would be ruined I leaned in and whispered yelled at Yui that this wasn't right of her to just intrude without being invited in but she just waved it off. Determined to get Yui back outside I quietly stepped inside and walked after her. We ended up finding someone lying on the couch sleeping I whispered to Yui not to wake him and that going back outside was our best option but I ended up being ignored. Yui gently tapped the man's shoulder and gave a shocked expression like someone had died.

YUI: Melony! he's not breathing!

MELONY: yeah right, like id believe that

YUI: No! I'm not kidding

Yui then proceeded to pull out her phone and dial 911, but a hand jerked out and grabbed her phone. I looked up with a horrified expression knowing going inside with out being invited was a big mistake.

MELONY: I'm so sorry! (repeated bowing of head)

YUI: b-but you were weren't breathing!

???: GOD! cant you be quiet in some one else's house!

MELONY: I'm so sorry we didn't mean to wake you. I'm so sorry.

YUI: but I did mean to wake him, you were like " Yui we shouldn't do this blah blah blah"

???: hmmm, pancake you don't have very many manners. what are you doing here any ways? hmm blondie?

YUI: uhmm well you see the church sent us here to live here

???: well I'm Ayato and all I was not informed of this

Another man with black hair and glasses entered the room.

AYATO: ahh Reigi! please tell me if you know anything about these girls living with us?

REIGI: yes actually these are the sacrificial brides

AYATO: hmm ok

MELONY: excuse me, I'm really sorry we didn't mean to walk in uninvited I understand if you are angry with us.

YUI: yet again your the only one sorry. the door was unlocked so I walked in

REIGI: may I know your names?

MELONY: yes this is Yui and I'm Melony. its nice meeting you

REIGI: well I must say you 2 are complete opposites, I must admit I like you melony more than yui

As soon as Reigi finished his sentence, a man with red hair and a fedora, and a man with purple hair appeared rather unnoticingly. The 2 men looked at us with a smirk and then decided to lick our cheeks murmering at how we smelled delicious. Then Reigi glared at the two as they stopped. It turns out that the purple haired one is Kanato and the red haired fedora wearing guy is Laito. A couple of seconds pass after the introduction and in came a white haired angry man who then hit the wall creating a giant hole. I soon became mesmerized at his strength although it seems Yui was not mesmerized but frightened.

REIGI: Subaru do you have to be so destructful!

SUBARU: well if there wasn't so much loudness I would not be awake and angry!

Yui looks at me with a look of fear she then grabs my hand unexpectedly and starts to run with my screams of protest and confusion. Yui then trips releasing me and grabbing her cross that was around her neck and held it out to the brothers.


MELONY: wait huh?

REIGI: what a silly girl those myths don't work on us

coming to the realization they really are vampires I stand up while Yui scatters up running away

MELONY: wow so your vampires? thats really cool. I now understand why we're here. you need our blood right? hmm well I give no protest.

I start smiling.

REIGI: wow thats new. why no protest? I do suppose that other girl should be brought back brothers?

The brothers then disappear after Yui.

MELONY: well I understand that you need food to survive and that just so happens to be what I posses, so why would I keep that away from you?

REIGI: well then I guess you'll be easier than her. let me take you to your room to unpack and get ready for bed since you'll be attending night school.

MELONY: oh cool thanks. night school would be a cool experience.

When Melony was ready to go to bed Ayato showed up in her room

MELONY: oh hi Ayato I suspect you want some of my blood, here.

I bend my neck and pull my hair out of the way for Ayato to have an easier time drinking

AYATO: hmm yeah thanks

Ayato comes behind me and punctures his fangs into my neck greedily. when he was finished I asked if that was enough and it was. he left me be to myself. I then take my duffle bag out from under the bed holding my medicine. I unzip the bag grab all the necessary pills and took them with water. The night was filled with throwing up and fighting the strong pains coming to my stomach and head, and the strong shivers of coldness. The next thing I know its time to wake up. Knowing the long day ahead of me I stand up from the floor of the bathroom, grabbing all my toiletries and taking a shower, then getting dressed and ready to head out ready yet tired. But as I open the door I see Reigi in the position of knocking at my door.

MELONY: good morning Reigi!

I say in the peppiest voice I could muster up.

REIGI: oh good morning I was just about to wake you up

MELONY: oh thanks I woke up early and decided to get ready

I decided not to tell him about only getting 2 hours of sleep since it wasn't his problem

REIGI: ok well since your already ready you can come down stairs and have breakfast.

Just the thought of food made me want to hurl but not wanting to be impolite I agreed and walked downstairs to the dinning room. the table was set with pancakes, bacon, mixed fruit, and eggs. Unsure about what to eat I grabbed one pancake, one piece of bacon, a small scoop of eggs, and a small scoop of fruit. I then proceeded to sit down with a glass of water. I didn't start eating until every one was there. But when I was done eating a sudden urge of nausea. I then proceeded to excuse myself from the table and ran to my bathroom. When I finished puking up my breakfast I flushed the toilet and brushed my teeth along with my face. I walked back and apologized for my sudden disappearance. Reigi was fine with my behavior and we then got in the limo like car to go to school.

the car ride was very quiet. Yui still seemed really scared of them but I didn't ask. we were both handed boxes of cranberry juice and told to drink it all the time since it helped with weak blood. I agreed, but in the inside I felt a bit o guilt knowing I'd be lucky enough to get through that whole box without throwing up.

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