Chapter 1

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A group of hunters with bows and swords where hunting in a forest running after a few deers who runned past a cave. Soon the hunters stopped breathing heavely infront of the cove sweat dripping over their heads on the floor. They give the chase up with their prey too far to chase anymore.
Hunter : the boss would't be happy
Female hunter : im sure he understand sometimes things just doesn't go like plan.

They all turned around heading back to the village when a roar shook the earth coming from the cave. A big lizard with a black skin standing on two legs walked out. He had the skin of a lizard but the horns of a bull with strong arms together with sharp and long claws.

His tail smacked the ground cracking it under his feet.

It released another roar when one arrow of the hunters bounced of his skin on the floor. It runned on all floor into the group sending most of the group away with a single swing of his claw. One hunter slashed at the beast leg but the sword barely cut it bouncing off on impact.

The hunter looked scared up seeing the beast face looking down at him a bit the beast it lifted his claw for a swing that could kill the hunter but before it could come down a fireball striked the beast in the face.

It staggered back holding his face in his huge claws while the hunter looked back to see his savior.

You stood by the trees with a smoking arm nodding to the hunter to grab his friends and run for his live and he wasn't gonna say no.

When they were gone you used equip magic to summon dark Excalibur in your right hand while you prepared a spell in your left hand. The beast turned around and growled at you but you just give him a 'come at me' taunt and he fell for it coming at you on all four.

It jumped at you swinging his huge claw but you rolled under him so the swing only cut a tree. It turned around so you fired a dark energy sword in his stomach piercing his skin with ease.
It swinged again but you jumped over the arm and then rolled over the floor and back on your feet...... you runned at the beast.

You slashed his leg and runned under him turning back around to slash his other leg. The beast turned around swinging his fist up and then down at you but you sidestepped barely missing it but still you were unfazed by the monster.

You jumped up landing on the fist and runned over it at the beast face.

You dived at his face catching a horn on his head and swinging yourself around his head on his back. You stabbed him in the back deep enough that the complete blade disepeared earning the roar of the beast.

It shook his body spinning around trying to get you off but you kept a grip on your sword. You placed you feet on his back and pushed yourself off doing a backflip before landing on the ground.

The beast could't react fast enough or you already shot three more energy swords in his back forcing him on one knee of the impact. The beast forced himself back up and turned his body to he extented his claws as far as he could.

It just jumped at you swinging both his claws at the same time but you used a body enchantment to jump over the beast behind it but as soon as you landed you flew forward just when he turned around.

You pulled your arm back that held your sword and slashed at his neck still going very fast in your charge.

Timeskip brought you by the beast now known as a thropy.

You were walking on a dusty road with trees on either side counting your money you got from killing the beast with your bestfriend on your left shoulder.
Cat : im just saying we could atleast take a bit more.
(Y/n) : no i think they could use it better then we do and don't worry we still have enough to have a roof and nice warm food.
Cat : yeah i guess that what we do

You two were friends since childhood and decide to use your powers to help the people out who needed help but could't afford the guilds. You sometimes even did it for free to help them, you two lived in a town that was under attack by many frost giants coming from the far mountains. Your town could't afford a guild to kill this many giants and the town was mostly destroyed or people were killed.

You two had to leave the village with the rest of the townfolk for three years only coming back when the frost giants left to go back to the mountains.

Cat : well they looked happy but i wish we could have seen the fairy tail wizard face when he or she arrives in the village and hears we took the job and the other two.
(Y/n) : me too bro

You two laughed and cat stored the money in the satchel while you two continue your journey going to the next city looking for a place to sleep and find some work.

With the fairy tail guild

The guild was roaring with life with people talking laughing or drinking.
Natsu lucy gray and mirajane were talking on the bar until the door was kicked open and a angry red head walked through.
Member : hey erza how did the job....

The guy was punched in the face across the guild into a wall and she wasn't even looking.
Erza : shut.up

She walked to the group who backed scared away into a wall when she got close and shook when she grabbed a mug with booze and gulped it down in a single go.
Lucy : did the job did't go well erza ?
Erza :,job !
Natsu : why not ?
Erza : when i arrived they told me that somebody else, a traveler a hired sword that did the job for 10.000 only for 1.000 and they gave him the job and the other two in the town so i traveled all the way to hear that some stranger took the job !!?

She smashed her mug against a wall and grabbed a another one dowing the thing in one single go.

Natsu : really did they told you who took it or how he looked like ?
Erza : male, 19-20, mostly dressed in black and had a cat companion wearing a hat and boots.
Happy : a cat wearing boots ?
Erza : yep !

She reached for another mug but Cana grabbed her arm before she could grab the next mug.
Cana : calm down Erza im supposed to be the heavy drinker here. 

Erza huffed but knew she was right and let the mug standing where it stood.
Erza : your right but im still pissed

Lucy placed a slice of strawberry cake infront of Erza before she wounded somebody else.
Lucy : here this cheers you up !
Erza :.......... thanks

She took a bite out of the cake letting the taste dance around her mouth to relax her thinking about the guy who stole her job. She wondered who he was anyway, they told her he used a lot of different kind of magic like equip magic or fire magic.

She relaeased her anger in a breath and finished her cake.
Erza : im gonna look him up
Lucy : what ?!
Erza : this guy took my job so im gonna look him up and see if he just as strong as they told me.
Natsu : well im going with you !!
Lucy : me too
Gray : i wanna see Erza beat that guy up.
Natsu : putt on some pants will ya !!!!
Gray : goddammit.

Erza smiled and placed the plate away.
Erza : okay lets go !!!

Fairy tail : erza x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now