Mother's Day

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                                My beloved son, I want you to understand that life can be unfair

                                          yet know that I will always be watching over you..."     

                                                                   Lisa Dreyar

Laxus has always found Mira's singing lovely, sweet, and soothing, but this morning as he watches her performs on stage from the corner of the guild, he wishes he could just rip his ears off.

"Mother, how are you today... " Mira hums following after the final chorus with her eyes closed. Immediately, the crowd gets up on their feet and cheers with the exception of Laxus who has been clenching his fist and teeth throughout the whole song.

"Happy Mother's Day." As the silver-haired mage waves her hand at the crowd, her eyes wander around the room to discover Laxus striding out the guild. "Hmm?" Clearly troubled by the scowl on his face, she decides to keep an eye on him.

"Mother..." Walking around the street with his hands dug inside his pockets, Laxus looks up to the clear blue sky trying to picture his mother's face, a face he has long forgotten since he was little. "Tch, this is stupid. What does she even matter."

Out of nowhere, a sobbing little blonde boy bumps into him. Laxus only stays silent, yet the little boy soon sobs even louder when looks up to find his grumpy face, much to Laxus' distress. "Wahhh! Wahhh!" He rubs his already swollen eyes.

"H-hey..." Unlike Mira, Laxus is never good with kids aside from scaring them away. Nevertheless, since people are staring, he crouches down to the boy's level before patting him on the shoulder. "What's wrong? Is there anyway I can help?"

"Mommy. I want mommy..."

Laxus sighs. "Let me guess. You got separated with your mom."

"Uh." The boy nod.

"Come, we'll search for her together."

"But, but... Mommy told me not go nor talk with a stranger."

Laxus chuckles, disgusted by how manipulative parents can be toward their children. "Now now, kid. Don't listen to everything you mother has to say. Just let me help you." He holds the little boy's hand against his will after getting up on his feet, dragging him behind him as the boy stares at his back in silence. "I promise we'll find her..."

Along the way, Laxus can't help but recall the happy memories of when he used to drag Makarov to places just like this when he was little. He remembers how he would ride on his shoulders as his eyes sparkle watching each Fantasia parade. Yes, his grandfather was the only person available who truly loved him, the only person he had always convinced himself he ever needed growing up...

"Pops, where are we going?" The boy calling him "pops" immediately snaps Laxus back to reality and stops him in his track for it was the last thing he would want anyone to call him.

"Listen, kid. I am not your fater, so don't call me 'pops'. Uncle would do just fine."

"Okay, Uncle~" The boy unexpectedly throws him a big, sweet smile which melts even his heart, to which Laxus smirks in return.

"Heh, now we're talking."

"So, where are we going?"

"We're here."

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