note | requests and payment

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note | requests and payment

requests information

1) I only do requests from authors/writers, I do not give out free covers that other people can use without payment. All of my covers are different, and all of them are requested by the author it's for.

2) All of my covers are copyrighted, and will be posted with the author its for in this book. If you see one of these covers being used by someone other than the name shown in the chapter/page, then please notify me and you'll get a free cover for helping.

3) All of my covers have a certain style to them, and if you don't like the cover(s) I made for the you, you will not have to pay. NO PAYMENT MEANS NO COVER. You are NOT allowed to tell me that you are not going to use a cover, and then decide to use it in secret.

4) I SHALL BE NOTIFIED OF EVERYTHING! You have to tell me if a cover is not going to be used, or if you want something in the cover to be changed.

5) Not all covers will be accepted. If I feel like the cover that you have requested is not within my creative reaches, I will notify you, I don't want you spending time getting me to do a cover for you, and then you'll be disappointed, etc.

6) NOBODY IS ALLOWED TO SELL MY COVERS TO SOMEONE ELSE. You are not allowed to create a cover maker business and sell my covers from your little side business. If you are going to start a cover maker business YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO SELL MY COVERS.

7) All covers are created by ME. YOU MUST GIVE ME CREDIT IN THE DESCRIPTION!

8) I make banners and covers. If you request a cover, you must use it as a cover - NOT AS A BANNER. Banners and covers have different "costs."

9) NOTHING INAPPROPRIATE. I will absolutely not create any covers with nudity, inappropriate behaviors, drugs, alcohol, etc. I AM NOT AGAINST THESE THINGS. But, there are young readers whose minds are clean and innocent, and I don't want to be the hammer who smashes their safe glass dome of safety.

10) All of my covers are allowed to be used in a sort of advertisement. I will be trying to promote this small business and I WILL be using some of the covers I have designed for other people.

11) I do not create trailers.

payment requirements

1) You must send me an email with the subject titled (insert Wattpad username here) - COVER  REQUEST. Ex. callissa_moore - COVER REQUEST

1.5) The email must contain the following : your full name, your Wattpad username, the name of your book, if it's a banner or a cover, what your book is about, what you want on your cover, the mood you want your cover to give the reader, what you want the middle focus to be on, and special requirements the cover has to have.

2) DO NOT SEND ME AN EMAIL WITH MILLIONS OF SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS. 99% chance that I'll deny the request.

3) In order to request a book cover/banner you have to be following me on Wattpad, Instagram, and Twitter. YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO FOLLOW ME, RECIEVE THE COVER FROM ME, AND THEN UNFOLLOW.

3.5) If you don't have an Instagram and/or Twitter PLEASE INCLUDE THAT INFORMTATION IN YOUR EMAIL. If you do have an Instagram and Twitter PLEASE INCLUDE YOUR USERNAMES IN THE EMAIL.

4) You have to list my username, callissa_moore, in the description of your book or in the chapter the banner is on.

5) In order to request a book cover you have to post something on your Wattpad wall THAT NOTIFIES YOUR FOLLOWERS that I have made you a cover. (You don't have to do this if you're requesting a banner.)

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