Demons Kill Flowers **1

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ohkayy!! so i decided to abandon since when?! because i had literally no readers, no comments,, and no votes.. so im doing this!! hmmmmmm.. maybe i should start threatening to not post unless i get a minimum amount of votes.. ehehehe this could be funn!! well ill stop this bore-fest and let you go on reading the story..

((oh and cheeeyus i did reuse the names from my other story,, and i didnt even notice it!! but i also started writing this one first and then abandoned it.. hmmmm sowwies my deary lous))


Demons Kill Flowers

The Rose with the Thorns

My whole life I was told that every rose had thorns, and I just happened to have more than most. It was one of peoples' nicer ways of telling me I was a screw up. I belonged to a world people didn't believe exists, and so my own parents threw me away. At three weeks old I was put on a porch step by my mother in a desperate attempt to either kill me or abandon me. It was sheer luck that I'd been found. Even better luck was that I was found by the young demon boy named Dominic.


It was another dreary day of lying in a bed at the hospital, and another day of procedures and excises to keep myself in peak condition. Seventeen years I'd come in and out of there, it was normal to me. I'd never gotten used to the revolting smell that lingered everywhere, though. Death was all over. The sheets and bed I laid on were taken from my home, and I had my own private room with everything I could ever wish for. I think it was because of Dominic's pity for me, because I was pretty much a dead girl.

A click from across the room forced me to turn my head to the door. There stood Dominic and all his glory. He'd gone out to flirt with my nurse again of course. Raven, my private nurse and best friend, just ignored his stupidity and went on with her jobs. Occasionally she'd smile and laugh at his horrible jokes, but between her and me, she pitied him. He ran a smooth, cool hand through his brown hair, smiling cutely. He slipped in the door and shut it behind himself. "Mitchi," he said disappointedly," why did you skip your morning appointment?"

"You know I hate those stupid appointments. I'm perfectly fine." I admitted coldly." Why don't you go back to flirting with Raven?" I asked, taking a stab it his weak spots. He was such a player, but he never played with me. He was also over two hundred years old, unmarried, and looked like a twenty year old. He was every girl's dream, even mine.

"I don't feel like playing around today." He said, slipping into the chair next to my bed. "Tonight we're going home. Can't you try not to get hurt for the next week at least?" He asked. It was true, I was an accident magnet. My whole life I'd had heart and lung problems. This time I was in because I'd fallen out of a tree and broken a few ribs and my wrist. I'd spent all week in there.

"What's so important about next week, eh?" I asked him curiously.

He muttered something. I couldn't completely hear it. I cupped my ear as a sign for him to repeat it louder. He sighed. "I can't tell you." He said stubbornly.

"Why not?!" I screeched.

"You'll find out tomorrow morning." He sighed," Now let's go home."

"Okay, I guess." I sighed and got up from bed. I grabbed the stuff Jakov had brought me and threw it in my bag. Dominic slung it over his shoulder and threw me some shoes. I hugged Raven and Dominic pulled me away, holding my hand as we walked out. He didn't let go until we got to the car.

We'd always had a strange relationship. It was always filled with both extreme love and burning hate for one another. Something unexpected was always happening. When he climbed into the car he gripped my hand again. Every inch of skin tingled as he raised it to his mouth and gently kissed it. "What's wrong Dominic?"

He looked me in the eye and then down at our hands. "Oh, it's nothing." He was lying, and I could tell.

"You're too sweet to be the Dominic I know, tell me. You only kiss me when something's wrong." I gave a concerned look and leaned towards him. He cupped my face with a delicate hand and pressed his lips to my cheek. He pulled away and did it again, but the second longer and more intimate. He gave me kisses on the hand on occasion, but the cheek was a rarity. No matter how many kisses there were, his lips never touched mine. I was always disappointed by this, because his lips touched every hand but mine. I pulled away, though I could feel his lips itching not to. "Now tell me, I want to know.

If you're doing this something is most definitely wrong with you. "

"I'll tell you tomorrow morning, I promise." I sighed and nodded, maybe it was best to leave him alone. I frowned as he let go of my hand and put it on the steering wheel.

"Why'd you let go?" I asked disappointedly.

"I can't give you any chance to get hurt this week." He sighed, chuckling slightly." I can't help it that you seem to be so danger-prone."

I giggled to myself, it was true. "Okay, let's just go."

The drive home wasn't so bad. I blared music through every speaker and got yelled at. Stupid Dominic hated my music, that's why he's stupid. I still played my music though, not caring what Dominic would tell me. I hadn't been home for quite a while, so it felt weird going back. I dropped my bags in my room and laid down on the bed. It was already dark out. My eyes felt heavy and after I closed them it was only a few moments before I had drifted off into the dark.


so what?? is it good,, is it bad?? i dont know,, you tell me!! should i go on?? should i leave it hanging?? i dont know,, so much distress!! i guess ill be nice and post the next chapter already,, but tell me what you think.. also,, if i do continue what should i do?? upload every two or three days with two or three page chapters -- or -- upload every three to five days with three or more page chapters?? im confuzzled.. urrrkk..


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