Single Mother Problems....

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"J.J sit down I'm not playing. We have to get you into this doctors office so they can you your shots. Then we can leave, I don't wanna be in here any longer than I have to."

"Shots? Mommy I like shots! How many do I get?" He asked. My child was so weird he was the only kid I knew that enjoyed getting shots. This kid also talked really clear for his age. I couldn't lie I had to admit Jason and I put together some really good genes. J.J was evidence of this. I just hated that J.J's dad was dead and that, he would never have the chance to meet him.

"Jason Jones Jr?" The pediatrician comes out and announces. I gather our things and grab his hand leading him towards the doctor.

"Yes that's us." I start." Don't the nurses usually come and get the patients from the waiting room?" I asked.

"Yeah but, a few didn't show up for work today so now I'm stuck doing the job. I didn't go to school all those years just to be doing the same thing a nurse does." He says.

"You're right. That is a shame well let's get our little critter his shots so we can go." I tell him.

"Alright. Since there is no nurse here I'll have to give him the check up." Dr.Watson starts " J.J sit on this cot here." He tells him. "It's a good thing you didn't get this little handsome one aborted huh?" He asks jokingly. That jogged my memory and made me flash back to the day I was suppose to get him aborted.

Two years earlier...

"Daniah you ready?" Dr.Briggs asks me.

"As ready as I'll ever be. I can't believe I'm doing this behind my parents back." I admit to him. Feeling beyond guilty for what I was about to do.(For the second time)

"I mean if you ever wanna call them up feel free. I need you to lie back for me while I get the tools." He tells me. I do as I'm ordered and lie back. I looked at the ceiling and weighed my options. This was the only easy way out of what I did. If I got the child aborted I wouldn't have to deal with my parents being pissed over the fact that my step brother and I slept together. I also wouldn't have to deal with not being able to co-parent with Jason since he was dead. Maybe this was the best option since my child would be with its father soon. I'd finally became okay with the idea of getting this child aborted.

"Alright you might feel slight contractions just ignore them and try your best not to move." He tells me.

"Alright." I said and began to relax. Something's just suddenly didn't sit right with me. It was like someone was telling me in my head to stop and that it was a terrible idea to get an abortion. I opened my eyes and jumped up off the hospital bed.

"I can't. I can't abort this baby. I'm sorry Dr.Briggs for wasting your time...but, I'm having this baby and I'm telling my parents. I don't care what anyone has to say. I'm not gonna kill my child to solve my own problems." I admit to him and to myself and exit his office.

"All done!" Dr.Watson says while putting a spider man band-aid on J.J's arm. I was spaced out for a long time and I hadn't even noticed.

"Mommy can we go now? I wanna visit tete Sacred and uncle Ike!!!" He whines.

"Yes we can go baby." I tell him and grab his hand leading us both out of the hospital office and back into the car. After I had J.J I decided it was best for me to drop outta school so I did and, I worked and stayed home so I could raise his adorable big head self. There was never a day that went past that I regretted my decision not to abort him.

I hadn't really had any particular love interests lately. I kinda still wasn't over the death of Jason. I wasn't In love with the kid, but I at least wanted him to be around to watch his son grow up. It wasn't fair at all.

While I was cruising with J.J in the back seat I saw Avion at the bus stop. I hadn't spoken to him in a while so of course I stopped, pulled up to the curb, and offered him a ride.

"Avion!"I yelled." How you been kid? How's life been treating you?" I ask.

"What's up big man?" He greeted J.J as he got in. "Life's been pretty alright. I'm still not over yo girl Shay. I never came to grips with why she killed her self. I was in love with her and I just wish we had more years to spend together." He almost rambles.

"Yeah same way I feel about Jason, just wish we had more time you feel me?" I ask him rhetorically.

"Yeah all the way man all the way. Where you on your way to anyway?" He asks.

"My sister house. I was gonna stop at home first and grab some clothes. I kinda wanna spend the weekend at Sacred's house." I tell him.

"Why?" He asks.

"Don't wanna be alone. I'm always alone. It's always just me and my Rodie. My parents are barely home since my dad retired early."

"You don't have to be alone. You got me I'll spend the weekend with you and J.J here." He says and winks at J.J. I smirked exactly what I needed right now was a man...and Avion was here.

"Fine then let's make it happen. If you're gonna spend the whole weekend with us we gotta pick out some movies and popcorn." I inform him.

"Aye I'm down as long as we get to spend some time together." He ends. I wondered if this would turn into something more between Avion and I? I couldn't let it happen it'd be betraying Shay and even though she was dead...I knew she was somewhere still watching.

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