You can call me whatever you like, my username or by my given name which is Arisa. Choose whatever between the two, it's alright with me. So, yeah, I'm apparently an admin? Shocker, right? But fear not, I can actually be responsible. Look forward to me and my magnificence, you'll see more of me here and also in my account; dantalion_
I began making graphics since October 2014, and until now as well. I first decided to make graphics was back when I read a magazine that featured editing, digital art, and such. It was just fascinating, for some reason. Around that time, I had to use Picmonkey. I just had to start somewhere and that's where I began; with terrible edits and amateurish attempts.
I found an inspirational graphic style back when I read one of the magazines in our school library, it featured digital arts. I distinctly remember that it was Advanced Photoshop and Digital Arts magazines. They were amazing, vivid, and even inspiring. I then soon after wanted to do the same extravagant, professional style. But until now, I haven't found or established my own style since most my edits are just dynamic and ever changing.
Inspiration comes to me whenever and however, it just pops out like a notification. Ideas can be found everywhere, just by staring at a wall makes me think of a minimalistic themed graphic that's color scheme is beige and pastel yellow.
I specialize in covers instead of headers and icons, I find making minimalistic themed covers exciting and pleasing unlike my usual style that usually uses a lot of layers while the final output is just too overboard. I'd like to improve more and I'd like to learn from each and everyone here, any kind of help is welcome so let's all get along.
Besides creating graphics, I enjoy writing. To me, a great story involves a great character with a magnificent character buildup. A writing style that just leaves me breathless and amazed, and a story that's original and creative. Though so far I haven't wrote any original stories, I sometimes get ideas which I usually just incorporate to my Fanfictions.
To any aspiring artists out there whether you write, or create graphics— Keep up the good work, you're doing great. Lift your head up and be proud of your work, and someday; you'll be the person who you wanted to be back then. I know it's hard to keep up with other great artists, but nonetheless, it's alright. Keep up with your own pace, your own ambitions will bring you places. Broaden your horizons, nobody is stoping you. You're not just going to reach the limit, you're going break the limit. Work hard, good things will come your way.
My name is Arisa, most of my friends call me Ari but that's not the only thing I'm called, apparently. I'm probably younger than you, maybe one or two years younger? Not quite sure. But, I'm 13 years old, and I'll be turning 14 this Valentines Day! I'm in 3rd year High School, and am still wishing that school would stop torturing me. I'm half-Japanese and half-Filipino, I'm still learning the basics of writing and reading Japanese but I've got the basics of conversing already; while I am fluent in English and Filipino.
As an Administrator of AestheticGraphics, I, Arisa, am committed to AestheticGraphics' goal to establish and maintain the highest level of public confidence in its accountability. I will conduct my activities with my fellow Administrators of AestheticGraphics so that I do not advance or protect my own interests, or the private interests of others, in a way that is detrimental to the interests of, or to the fundamental mission of, AestheticGraphics. In every instance in which I represent the AestheticGraphics, I will conduct my activities in a manner to best promote the interests of AestheticGraphics.
I hope we can get along. (='∀`)人('∀`=)
PS: I'm not really that formal, I just chose to be formal in this situation. Look forward to your dope admin, me!
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