Prologue: Origin

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(A/N: New Story~ If you life it, read my other one to~ Video is at:

3rd POV

The multi-verse is such a wide place. There are more then infinite words, each with their own story to tell. Especially when they're literally the stories of other worlds.

You pick up any book, manga, anime, or TV show in your world, and that story actually exists in a different world. Every crossover, every AU, every doujinshi, it all exists in one form of reality or another.

But what if the author dies? Well, death has a present for them. If an author writes a story that entertains an Author, after death their soul is turned into another Author. What's the difference? Well, Authors can travel between worlds, and often are more powerful than gods. While authors are humans that just write words that comes into existence due to String Theory.

If it's too confusing, think of Authors as the highest existences in reality. They make gods from their very thoughts and can destroy worlds in the blink of an eye. Now, let's get to the story. There were two Authors that fell in love. Their names were Adam de Demone and Juliet Viper.

They fell in love. 💘

Adam was looking for a new protagonist to kill 'by accident' with Truck-san. The reason being, that it was his signature plot element. You know all of those stories about how a NEET or some random guy gets killed by Truck-san, and gets reincarnated?

This world stole it from him. Really, it was his fault for posting the story online. Now Authors have a whole army of Truck-sans ready for use at a moments notice.

 Now Authors have a whole army of Truck-sans ready for use at a moments notice

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Juliet was also looking for a new protagonist. She was a fujoshi in her human existence, and was now one of the leading Authors in BL fictional worlds and their events. Other fujoshis, human and Authors alike, respected her and treated her as royalty.

She was looking for a new teenager to mess with, and ultimately give him a yaoi harem. Whether he realized it or not.

They both targeted the same boy

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They both targeted the same boy. He was the pinnacle of normality. C's across the board. An average physic. An absolutely average person that was destined for an average fate. Perfect templet for a Main Character.

He died by getting run over by Truck-san.

End of story.

Juliet saw that her new target was killed by a Adam. After talking it over, they decided to send him into a fantasy BL game, and use him as a Main Character until the story was over. They shared their Main Character, and he lived happily ever after.

But forget him. Over the years they both developed love for each other, got married and went to 'cuddle'.

The powerful couple decided to create a new world for their soon to be son. Once the world was ready, they created lives for themselves among the mortals. Juliet gave birth to their son and They named him Leon de Demone.

He had black hair and eyes so dark, you would think he was ink incarnate. And in a way, he was. For the moment the Authors saw their son they realized one crucial thing that they forgot to do.

They never gave this new world a Main Character, or chose the Genre. Usually this wouldn't be a problem, and it would be a normal world, just like the one you're in right now. But as this world was made by two, extremely powerful Authors the world slipped into becoming a fictional world.

And if the Author didn't choose a Main Character, someone would slip into the role, and their actions would result in the Genre the world would become.

They only realized that they were in a fictional world when they saw their new baby boy.

They only realized it then, because their son was the being that the whole world revolved around. He was the Main Character.

A week after his birth, they decided that they would teach him about what he was, and prepare him to form his genre, and the beginning of the first character arc.

And so Leon learned at an early age the inter-working's of Genres, Authors, and of course, Main Characters. And he is now entering High School.

(A/N: Comment on the story~ Cover is a picture of Leon~

I fixed some problems in spelling. New chapter will be out by this weekend, I promise! Hopefully!)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2017 ⏰

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