Chapter 15

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lt's a brand new day and l have appointment at the hypnotherapy office today.  How weird l think.  l never would have thought l would be involved in something like this.

l have been looking at Jenny's number since last night. l have been dying to call her. l put it back in my wallet and head for the door. l am convinced now more than ever l need to get some answers and clear my name.

l get to the office and it is not at all like l expected.  l don't know why l thought it was gonna look like a shamans house but it looked like a medical office. Stiff chairs and magazines piled up on the tables. l go to check in and she sends me to the back right away. Frank must have some pull around here.

l am directed into a room with a big leather couch with various pictures of palm trees on the wall. l sit down and keep looking around. There are tissues on the table. A large candy bowl and business cards set up on s big cherry finished desk. The decor doesn't really match. Five minutes pass and in walks in the grandma from the tweety bird cartoons.  l can't help but break out into a grin.

" Hello Kyle its so good to meet you. my name is Sandy Hedgehog." Says Sandy with her hand stretched out.

Just when l thought she couldnt get any cuter!

l jump up.

" Hello Sandy nice to meet you too." l say smiling down at her twinkling brown eyes.

"Would you like some water before we start?" she asks walking over to a small refrigerator hidden by a large cabinet. 

"No thank you. Should l lay down. How does this work?" l ask curiously.

"Sure you can lay down. Some people find it relaxing. "

l lay down on the large couch.  lts pretty comfy and long. Most couches my feet dangle off the end.

"Ok now l want you to close your eyes.  Your going. to hear the sound of a ticking clock. 1...2...3 at first then 2 then just 1. Take yourself back to that night. Tell me what you see." she says smoothly.

" l see lots of people we are in the club but in a separate room. Catherine is there with me. She goes and talks to the bartender.  The room is packed with people.  important people.  Catherine offers me ecstasy.  l haven't rolled in a long time. l am miserable.  lts my birthday and l am stuck here with this fake girl." l explain

"Do you hate Catherine?" asked Sandy.

"No just annoyed by her. She is clinging to me. l start to feel sick. l head for the door. Catherine is behind me. l sit down and try to dial my town car. Catherine says we should take a cab to her place.  l am fuzzy here. "

" lts ok Kyle just relax. breath slowly in and out in and out." she says Sandy sofly.

" l see it!" l say surprised

"What do you see Kyle?"

"She is talking to someone. l start to feel dizzy. l lean over the curb and throw up. l am ducked down in the grass and l can hear them arguing. "

" You see this gun bitch. l am not playing You and your rich boyfriend get in the car without a scene or l shoot you both right here. "

"Can't you see he is sick. l will have to drag him in." said Catherine

"How do you think he got that way Catherine?  l work in that club. l have access to everything.  l know you called me to meet me to torture me!"

By this time l raised my head up and l can see him. He is tall. Red hair, pale and wearing black jeans and a green top.

"Good Kyle.  What else do u see?"

"The inside of the taxi. l am in the back getting thrown around the back seat. The car is going fast. l start yelling.  l am gonna puke! The car stops. l don't recognize the area. l get out and Catherine jumps on me tugging and yelling.  l am just trying to relieve myself of the horrible pain in the pit of my stomach. l can barely see. l push her away to keep from getting sick on her. The cab driver walks up and starts to kick me. He pops open the trunk and pulls out a bat. l scramble up and get into the driver's side of the car. l look for Catherine.  l don't see her anywhere.  The guy comes after me with the bat but its too late.  He left the keys in it with the car on and l am gone in it. l try to see if l can find Catherine but l can't see its blurry. My stomach still achey and l don't remember anything after that."

"Good Kyle now count back from ten with me." she says "Now open your eyes"

"Did it work? " l ask l feel so sleepy" l fell asleep right? l am sorry."

"No Kyle l believe we have everything we need to have you exonerated!"

"Really! Do l have to do this again in court?" l ask excited

"We have it all on video. l am going to call Frank right now and have this evidence sent over."

I left the office feeling like a ton of bricks had been lifted off of me.  Now to call Jenny!

The phone rang twice before she answered l invited her out to my favorite spot in downtown.  She said no but agreed to lunch in the Library park. l picked up coldcuts and fresh bread from the local Deli and a bottle of wine and bottled water. She had been on my mind all night up until my appointment and now she was dancing in my head again.

l pulled up to the park and looked for the tree we were supposed to meet at. l spotted her right away. She was leaning back on the tree trunk letting the air blow on her face with her eyes closed. Just like the day l first saw her.

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