Silly Bicthty Love

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You were. Or more like forced to work with someone you don't like😡 to do a project with your enemy. We don't despise eachother, but we do have grudges and arguments with eachother. Anyways. I was at my house with her-WHICH THE TEACHERS ARE STUPID AND ACTUALLY LET US DO IT AT OUR HOMES-...moving on

Your pov

I stood there awakardly...away from her of course. I walked over to the fridge to get some pizza.(YES I BRINGING THE PIZZA BACK SUCKERSSS MUHAHAHA) I turned towards her. "Do you want any pizza?" I folded my arms and raised my eyebrow. She shrugged "sure...and thanks,...maid" she smirked at me and I just gave her a disappointing look. "Really? If your gonna insult me. You'll half to use your brain better. Oh wait, you don't have one" She stood their with her mouth opened and had the look on her face like she's been offended. I rolled my eyes and fliped her off. I grabed some pizza out of the frige for me and her. I then put the pizza in the micro wave for 1 minute and started it. I honestly dont know how i fell in love with her in the first place. I then heard some footsteps behind me. Your mind:Oh great. I wonder who it is. You then suddenly felt arms around your waist, and since you knew who it was. You started to blush. "Uhh...W-what are you doing??" I asked. "Getting my crush to get angry and blush at the same time" I could tell she was smirking just by her voice. "...Well it's kinda working..." She giggled. "Wanna do a chemistry project? If you cacth my drift~" I then coverd my face. "O-Oh my potato chips. You are so dead!" we both laughed. I turned towards her. "You have alot of explaining to do missy bicthy" I smirked. She smiles. "Sure thing tomatoes~" I then proceed to chase her around the house. "GET YOUR BUTT BACK HERE!". "NAH I'M GOOD"
"WAIT!!!" (What is the matter reader???) "WHAT ABOUT THE PIZZZZAAA!!! T^T WE NEVER GOT TO EAT IT" (*is eating pizza* oh um- sorry for your lost) "YOU SON OF A #! $$#!#/!!!##*#/**!#!#$! $***! $$##! $$!*" (*Takes a bite of pizza* and I thought I was crazy about pizza)

Crush x Reader (Female!) Oneshots!Where stories live. Discover now