When I Was All Better *EDITED*

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(EDITORS NOTES: I just rewrote this chapter. You don't need surgery for burns seventh grade me, you're just dumb :p. Anyways as I edit this story more and more I get closer to deleting it, but I can not delete two years of work)

Emily's pov.

As they carried me into the ambulance, I see from the corner of my eye Jack covering his face as to hide the fact he was crying. Mark wasn't there. I don't know how he can sleep through this, but I wish I could do the same. They loaded me in, and on the whole ride to the hospital I was examined and poked and Generally just felt bad.

They carried me in the ER. It was weird. The lights were bright, and it was cold, but the coolness made the burns made me feel better. It was nice. They put me in a tiny room, and hooked me up to a ton of machines. One to check my heart monitor. One to check my blood.. maybe? There's an IV in there somewhere...I think.

I sat there in silence for about 10 minutes. Then a nice looking doctor walks towards me. Her ginger hair was long and complimented her pale skin nicely. "You must be lil miss Emily." She smiles. "Im your doctor, you can just call me Luna." She looked more like the sun then the moon. I nodded in agreement.

She started checking me out. I flinch when I feel her latex gloves touch my burns. "Sorry hun but I need to check em out" I nod, her voice comforting. It had a nice twang to it. After a couple minutes she finished. "It's not gonna kill ya, but it will need a treatment. I'll get ya some pain killers and ointment to treat the burns in the pharmacy, what's your insurance. Wait where are you parents."

And as if I was in a cheesy Wattpad fanfiction, Both Mark and Jack run in the room, their faces red. I couldn't tell if it was from fighting with each other or crying. Marks face look relatively dry, while Jacks was soaked in tears. "We're here, right here" Jack says in between breaths "Ah perfect!" She smiles. "Meet me in the hall to talk insurance and leaving and things and then you'll be able to see your daughter. Pinkie promise." Her sneakers squeaked on the hospital floor. Mark followed her, jack followed mark, but not before planting a kiss on my forehead. I smile.

About fifteen minutes pass and Dr. Luna walks back in. Mark and Jack didn't follow this time. She smiled. "Your father's are... working something out so I just wanted to let you know that as soon as we see you walk comfortably you'll be released from here. Yay!" She did little jazz hands. I let out a small giggle

We spent the next 30 minutes walking around. She was an amazing help. When I finally was able to make a full rotation around the room she gleamed. "Perfect! Now I will have to bandage you up, and you'll be able to remove them in about three days or so. It's just to prevent scaring is all." I nodded.

She lead me out the door to Marks car. "Thank you for everything you did for me doc." I turn to her and smile. She smiles and ruffles my hair. "Don't sweat it. You're a special kid Miss Emily. don't forget it." I smile and get in the car, but as I drove away from the hospital, the air only seemed to get sick and dense. Something was wrong.

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