Normal = Clone

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"Be normal. People won't like you if your not."
"How do you expect to get anywhere with how strange you are?"
"Normal this, normal that, others are normal unlike you." This is what I hear when anyone says "be normal" or "its normal". Yes I use the word normal but I hate it when I do. But I can't help it, and I finally know why. Its because normal is the same as clone. We are raised to act certain ways and when you act differently or against the "normal way" of your care takers, its weird. Although that's with the care takers who didn't escape the "normal" ways.
Normal is another way to say program. Why else do they say "everyone else is normal" if the majority of "normal" people aren't programmed to think the same. When someone says to be normal, they're saying to be a clone and follow your programming. Yes not all the clones are the same but they do share the title normal.
Why must we wear this title to be accepted? I haven't worn it and people still like me. I've found people who refuse to wear this title and they're fine, they love it in fact. So go ahead and call us weird, call us strange, we just refuse to be a clone walking around indifferent to the world around us. We want to live free and happy, so please open your mind a bit more and throw away your normal title. You know nothing is normal, everything is different. Normal is nonexistent things are average not normal. We're people not clones so please forget your "normal" programming, please join us.

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