Mike X Reader Scenario #1 Part 4

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*mature-ish content*


You shiver again, it's so cold, just then, Mike 'Stretches' and puts his arm over you, you lean over to his chest, he tightens his hold on you.
"I love you Mike Wheeler"
"Well I love you more Y/n Y/l/n" Mike taunts at you, you always loved that about him, no matter how serious or meaningful the situation, he could still muster out some kind of joke. You always played along too,
"Oh really? How am I supposed to believe you?" You tease back at Mike, then, you start to think about what you actually just said. That was kind of cruel to some degree, so now you feel bad. You look to Mike to study his facial expression, he flashes you a sly grin and says:
"Because You believe me for the same reason I believe you!" Mike fires back
"And what would that reason even be?" You ask. You look to Mike, he looks befuddled
"That reason- well- it's-" he stutters, you can tell Mike actually doesn't have a 'reason'. You guys are still sitting on the staircase in your house, but now you feel warm and happy, your tears are dried and he is holding you close. You Look to Mike, you can tell he is still searching his mind for a reason,
"Mike?" You say and look to him, your faces are so close you can feel his breath on your face, it's so warm and comforting
"Yes Y/n?" Mike replies
"I-I have a reason." You tell him
"Wh-What's your reason?" Mike asked, he seems scared to some degree
"This" you say and you lean in, you can feel Mike melt into your kiss. This kiss though- it's lasting longer, it's more passionate than the one you just shared- The one before, he- he was the one to kiss you, to signify that he loves you too, but this kiss, you gave this one to him, it's wasn't as any sort of reply or answer of some sort- it was out of pure love, care and emotion for Mike. You hadn't ever even had your first kiss before you had told Mike that you loved him. But you feel natural kissing him, you had never been good with words or conversation at all, but you felt like giving him this kiss was a way of communicating with him, like your lips spoke a thousand words to him. You felt like you were finally getting your feeling through to Mike. Just then- you and Mike, both simultaneously deepen the kiss, he glides his hand across your cheek and runs it through your hair then reaches it around your neck, pulling you closer than you thought possible and then he runs his hand down your back then moves his hand to your hip- his other arm, still around you. He grasps your hip and holds it tight- you feel amazing, Yet weird you have this weird feeling you've never felt before, but it's a good one, you feel like you're exploding with love on the inside. Mike then loosens his grip on your hip and shifts his hand to you back again, carefully lowering his hand. You also loved that about him too, no matter the situation he would we careful and kind about it, making sure everything he was doing in that situation was okay. His hand is now under your shirt, going up and down your back, slowly and gently. Then he moves his hand down to your leg, he cresses your leg and then he just- lifts it. God, he is so strong. He swoops his hand under your other leg and picks that one up too, he turns your legs over onto his lap, so now your legs rest in his lap, and he still has one arm over you and the other on your hip, holding you tight. You feel the need to gasp for air, you never have really kissed anyone before, so you weren't too sure on how to do it. So since you did not want the kiss to ever end, you move your hand from his neck, down to his arm, you squeeze his bicep, it's no large or bulky to any matter, but it's not comparable to a twig either, he just feels so, strong. Just then, Mike moves his lips away from yours, just as you, he is gasping for breath. But he doesn't move away- his lips are still resting on your cheeks as he pants, then you feel him trickle down your face, his lips are now on your neck, he is supplying you with subtle kisses, then he starts to supple and gently suck at your neck. You feel amazing, it's a strange feeling you've never felt before but it just keeps getting better. Mike Is kissing your neck and you're running your hands through his thick, deep black hair that you've always adored. Just then-
Thunder erupts and lightning strikes- scaring you so much that you fall off Mike, down the 2 steps and onto the floor, you've hit your head on the wall, causing you to moan in pain "oh my gosh! Y/n! Are you okay??!!" Mike quickly asks you getting up and sitting besides you. He treats you as if you've just fell down 2 flights of stairs, even though in reality it was just 2 singular ones, you loved how he cared like that. But- in reality you did hit your head quite hard against that wall so, you were in some amount of pain.
"Yeah- im okay." You ensure Mike
"My head just really hurts now." You confess to him.
"Well then, here" Mike abruptly picks you up, and takes you down your hallway into your living room, he places you on your lazy boy and says:
"Give me a minute"
Your head is spinning, you can't tell if it's from hitting it or from being with Mike-
or both.
A good two minutes pass by until Mike comes over to you with an ice pack. He hands it to you with a glowing smile and says
"Here, I got you an ice pack- it should help"
"Tha-Thank you Mike" you reply weakly, You feel very dizzy- and tired.
"Well- um, I'm gonna get going now, before my mom starts panicking about my whereabouts, so just like- keep the ice pack where it hurts and I'll be back to check on you in the afternoon, okay?" Mike asked but this was not anywhere near 'okay'. You wanted Mike to just stay by your side forever- and you most definitely didn't want to stay home alone. But for some reason- you nod your head yes. You can now hear Mike walking down the hallway
"Goodnight Y/n, feel better! See you tomorrow I guess..."
"Goodnight Mike..." you say- sadness just your voice, you didn't want him to leave you hear the front door open and say:
"Mike!.....Wait, um, Don't go, please, I just- you know, don't want to be, well, alone. I'm- I'm scared" you muster up your confession to Mike. Just then, you hear the front door shut. You fear he didn't hear you and is gone now. You start to sob and curl up into a ball, crying into your knees. Just then- a familiar hand runs through your hair
"Okay, I'm right here Y/n, i always will be.
I promise." You look up and there he is,
Mike Wheeler. You let out a sigh of relief, knowing that he is here now. You need to tell Mike how you, feel. That you're scared of being alone. And need to be comforted.
"Mike, I- I feel all alone. Like no one is ever there for me, I just have always wanted to feel loved and for someone to comfort me, but with my parents, they're always away, so I just always feel alone." You confess to Mike, you look up at him- to see that he is, he is- tearing up. Why is he upset?
"Here, may I?" Mike says with a crack to his voice, trying not to let his tears fall. He references to you laying down on the lazy boy asking if he may join
"Oh um, of course!" You say moving over to make room for Mike. He sits down beside you, the two of you on the lazy boy together is quite a squeeze, but you didn't mind, you were next to Mike and that was all that mattered. He is much )larger( thank you though, you are short and petite, whilst Mike is somewhat masculine and has thicker build, you always found that quite handsome about him, but right now, it was not so 'handsome' considering you were being so squished by him that you could barely breath. He is basically on top of you and it's actually uncomfortable as hell. You try to gasp for some air without making a scene, but you fail miserably.
"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry I probably crushing you! Here," just then he legitimately lifts you up, puts himself in the middle of the lazy boy and you're thinking to yourself
'Ummm, what the hell does he think he is doing?!' But then, he places you back down, on his lap, your body On a slight angle, your legs intertwine with his, he puts his arms around you and holds you tight.
"Tha-thank you Mike..." you say in a soft voice burying your head into his chest.
"Hey..Hey Y/n?" His voice sounds teary again, he gently places his hand under your chin and lifts your face up so that you're looking at his, tears are filling his eyes- you still do not know why, a tear leaks out of his eye and you wipe it with your thumb
"Mike..What's wrong?" You ask, you sit up a little to show him that you're attentively listening
"I- I don't want you to feel alone Y/n... I just care for you so much and... and to hear that you feel alone. I feel guilty for not telling you how I felt earlier... since... since the day I meet you I wanted to hold you close and love you forever and ever.. and now you're crying, because you feel all alone and want to be loved and cared for.. and I just should have told you sooner and I-" you cut Mike off with a kiss. You could that he was just going to keep going on and on, and that he needed some reassurance ;)
After a couple seconds you hear Mike let out a huge sigh of relief, on that note you feel Mike enhance the kiss so you Scooch up, and then you feel- something, weird- you don't know what it is but it's- it's kind of hard, you just try to move your leg over or past it ignoring what it could be, but whatever it is- it's stiff as a stick- and it feels like it's growing. You are quite befuddled so you loosen your lips from Mikes and take your hand from behind Mikes next and go to grab and Move whatever this weird hard thing is out of the way. You grab a hold of this 'thing' and try to pull it, but it feels like it's attached to something, Mike lets out a giant scream/moan which confused you a lot.
it feels thick, in some kind of a cylinder-ish shape with a weird rounded top, what on earth could this thing be? Is it-
You come to the most horrible realization of what you're grabbing that's 'hard'. You're oblivious dumbass didn't realize that it's was Mike- getting a Boner, so you just fucking grabbed it and didn't think twice. How fucking dumb are you?!
"GAH FUCK OH MY GOD NO IM SORRY- I DIDN'T MEAN TO- OR KNOW IM OH MY GOD" you scream as you jump off Mike, although, you can't help but laugh at what you just did, as you start to laugh you look up to Mike, who looks like he is filled with all sorts of emotions. He looked Scared, Horrified, ' ' excited ' ' and yet he was also laughing his ass off. Now you both sit there, you're on the floor and Mike is still in the lazy boy holding his crotch and you two are laughing hysterically, so hard in fact that both of your eyes are watering. After a minute or so more of laughing your asses of you say:
"Hey, um- look, in really sorry about that..."
"Did- did you mean to do it?" Mike asked in a shy voice it may be all dark in the room but you can just tell that red is creeping up his cheeks
"Well, um- yes and no" you answered with a laugh
"What's- what's that supposed to mean?" Mike asked, actually quite nervous.
"Well, I was just- you know, I the heat of things, and I started to feel something 'hard' but I didn't want that to get in the way of the kiss- so honestly without thinking I just- grabbed it and not till the last minute could I tell, that it was, it was- um" you just couldn't bring yourself to say to Mike 'you're dick' so naturally he cut you off and finished your sentence for you
"You mean my dick?"
He asks, trying Not to burst out with laughter
"Yea-Yeah..." and you couldn't hold it in anymore you burst out laughing again and got back on the lazy boy on top of Mike, he put the blanket over you and held you close. You fall asleep in his arms.

Mikes POV

Wow, um, tonight's been quite eventful. I mean, Y/n confessed her feelings to me, i kissed her, then I kissed her again, then she hit her head, so I brought her to the lazy boy and gave her an ice pack, then i cuddled with her and told her how I really feel, and then she accidentally grabbed my dick. Well, damn I can't blame her for falling asleep so quickly.

I am worried though, my mom is going to kill me if she finds out I'm staying over at a girls house, much less sleeping with her. But I'm the end, I really don't care, it's worth it.
I think- I think I love Y/n.. I think I love her. She looks like a goddess sleeping in my arms, I cresses her hair and fall asleep with her in my arms.

*The Next Morning*

I wake up, Y/n still in my arms, she is holding on to me tight, she has a slight smirk on here face, it's so beautiful. To gently wake her up I run my hands through her thick hair and rub her back, she slowly flutters open her glistening eyes and looks to me.
"Good Morning Mike" she says in a soft voice
"Good Morning Y/n" I say back, then I moved my hand to place her hair behind her ear, and- wait, um what is this-
"Oh Shit." I realize what that little purple/blue spot was behind her ear, even worse she has multiple. I gave y/n a hickey.
"Huh? Mike what's wrong? Is there something on me?" Y/n asked, I don't know what to say, I feel like she will get mad at me if she knew I gave her a hickey, but nonetheless I have to tell he the truth.
"Um, Y/n.... I- I may have given you, a- um, well a- hickey." I tell her next thing I know her eyes practically pop out of her head and she is racing to her bathroom. I am following after her. She looks in the mirror on both sides behind her ears and sees some purple spots, I'm right behind her- waiting for a reaction. Next thing I know Y/n is laughing uncontrollably. Phew, well at least she isn't pissed, right? I start to laugh with her, after a minute or two of our laughing session I asked a serious question:
"Um, so, how are we gonna hide that from everyone?" I asked with a hint of nervousness in my tone
"Oh I know! Here!" She darts past me and grabs a small scarf out of her linen closet, she places it around her neck so that it's will cover the spots.
"So, then in that case I guess, wanna head back to my place for some breakfast?" I suggested to her
"Sure! Let's go!" Y/n replied gleefully

*back at Mikes house*

I open to the door, laughing with y/n about a joke she just made- just then my mom comes down the stairs, oh shit I forgot about her...
"Hey Michael, Back from Dustin's I see?"
"Oh, um, yeah! I'm back from Dustin's..."
I reply, Dustin must have covered for me being away by telling my mom that I slept over at his house.
"Where is Dustin then?" My mom asked, then I remembered, I'm only with Y/n, not Dustin.
"Oh, he's um, well.." I stutter trying to think of an explanation
"I'm right here Mrs. Wheeler!" I hear Dustin call out from behind me, thank god.
"Oh, okay. Well breakfast is down the basement for you guys, I'm gonna go shopping with Nancy, Holly and Ted is off to work so you guys give the house to yourselves for the day, don't break it okay?"
"Yes mom!" I say practically pushing her out the door. Right as I slam the door, the doorbell Rings, I open it again
"Mom what is it now?-" I look up and it's Will and Lucas
"Oh, sorry guys come in." The guys come in and we all go downstairs, Y/n is at the back of us so as the guys are sitting down she is halfway down the stairs, just then I hear her shout
"GAH! Shit!" Her scarf gets caught of the railing, but it doesn't really choke her- it pulled off the scarf though...
I sit down and try to ignore what happened, hoping the guys would too, but that failed.
"Is- is that what I think it is?" Dustin asks
"I think it is..." says Will
"Holy shit! He gave her a hickey!" Lucas exclaimed
I look to Y/n, her cheeks are filling with red and she is rubbing her hand on her neck, trying to cover the spots.
"Well man, I've got to say, congratulations.." Dustin says to me with a laugh patting me on the shoulder.
"Damn man, I bet she gave you a handjob too!" Lucas joked
"Shut up Lucas"
Y/n came over and sat down next to me, she fell asleep on my shoulder while I continued the D & D campaign. I think I might ask her to the snowball, I just might...

W/C 3174 Words

Hey guys! Wow almost 400 reads already? Thank you guys so much! Seeing your feedback in the comments makes my day, also, I'm writing two different drafts. One is a Mileven Fan Fiction and the other is a Fillie Fan Fiction. Im going to make the first few parts for the both of them before I publish it, therefore I can still have time to work on other books and still get to read. Anyways ily guys thanks for reading
Until next time!


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