Miserable at Best.

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Your eyes. Your scent. Your shining locks of purple hair. Your giggle. They’re just some of the bizillians of things I love about you. I can’t belive it took as so long to finally meet, and I mean FINALLY, not just the rare group project or something, I mean a normal conversation. Just yesterday I remember that you were that shy, caring, beautiful girl that everyone made fun of for having a stutter. They called you ‘weird’. You weren’t weird in my eyes though, you were unique, and beautiful. Everytime we would talk my heart would light up like a lantern and just the sound of your voice would make me get butterflies. I tried to stop to thinking about you when we were apart, but compared to your eyes, nothing else was shining in my life. I was always alone; I would come home to an empty, memory-filled house everyday, and would dream of actually having a family.Your family life was completely different;Your father was a healthy, happy and loving man and you and your sister, despite some hiccups. He did want the best for both of you no matter what. How I wished I could have a normal life like you had.

As our friendship blossemed, the more I learnt about you, and myself. I learnt that you had a strange facination with the colour pink, and that your  late mother was your idol. I learnt that I had fallen in love with you.  The day I attempted to end my own life, you were right by my side. You said that I wasn’t alone and that I had you. Your understanding of me was so deep; it was like you knew me better then I knew myself. When I needed a home, you begged your father if I could live with you, and being the kind man he was she gladly took me in like an adopted son. Hisashi, I should call him, bought me clothes that werent years oldand gave me a matress that didn’t have springs that stabbed me when I slept, and the best of all, he was the father I never had.

 By this period of time I just wanted to hold you Hinata, and never let go until the day I died. The best day of my life was the day we were hanging in your room, reading some new manga you bought with the little money you made delivering flowers for Ino’s business. You lended me a Shounen manga so I could read with you. I remember the moment everything changed; something had happened in your book, and those shimmering pale blue eyes  looked up at mine; paralyzing me with your gaze. As we moved closer together it started raining outside, and the first jolt of thunder cracked as our lips met eachother. I felt like I was being pulled to you by a magnetic force and our lip contact sent shivers up my spine. Ever since that moment life turned into a heavenly spiral. Everyday with you was better then the last and I knew that you were the one. You said ‘I love you’, for the to me after we had made love for the first time, and as I whispered, ‘I love you Hinata, I always have’, I saw glimmering tears slide out of your love stricken gaze. We fell asleep in eachothers arms that night, as I stroked your delicate locks of hair. Everything in life was perfect-

 Until a couple of weeks later, when I came home in tears, and fell into your arms crying. I got accepted into an advanced anbu traning school. You had no idea why I was sad about it, and as I spoke my next sentence your concerned expression turned into a draining sadness; your eyes pooling with tears. “I have to go to a romote base… for three years”. Bam. It was at that moment, with tears in our eyes we realised we had to separate. Our last weeks together were both heartbreaking and beautiful. The amount of times we just made love and cried, wrapped in eachothers arms were numerous.

I can live without you, but without you I’ll be miserable at best.

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